
Would it just be easier if all American vehicles were to have a fixed speed limit?

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I was just wondering...

I always hear about speeding issues just about everywhere I go. Even on the freeway I traveled there at least 75% or more people going at least 5 or more over the speed limit in at least 10 states...maybe more than that. Supposely the govement and public officals are considering stepping up patrols shifts and patrol locations to prevent or reduce chases and theft and the such, but it seems to be no end...just growth of a problem they seem to consider a major problem in a way.

I not sure, but would it just be easier to make all American vehicles except for public safety and emergency vehicals to have a fixed speed limit in the first place?




  1. You must remember not every state has the same max speed limit and there are a few places without any.

  2. that would be will never happen for the simple fact that us Americans would know how to reverse that....u know all them guys with them fast cars ain't gonna let that happen and sometimes people need to be able to go fast for emergencies. so i don't see it happening

  3. even if you were to govern every vehicle on the road, you could not make each one precise. 68 mph across the board would have some doing 68.25 mph while another might do 68.37 mph., can you say "ROLLING-ROADBLOCK." it might take 13 miles to pass each other.

    as for safety....if going 3 mph over the posted speed-limit was a $2,500.00 fine, and loss of license until paid, was the law, then people are not going to slow down.

    revenue keeps the transportation agencies going,

    but to listen to them it's all about safety. so until they get serious about the fine, the safety is in your hands.

  4. your question is like asking can somebody control what is on a driver's mind? and the answer is of course not. same with speed limits - most states have one speed limit for cars and trucks and a few have dual speed limits (one for cars and another for trucks).  i am on the road weeks at a time and what i noticed is no matter what the posted speed limit on the road is, at any given time there are 3 speeds on the highway (one going below the speed limit, one doing the speed limit and another going over the posted speed limit).  so you as a driver should drive within your comfort zone and drive defensively.

  5. yeah it think lessens accidents

  6. Because we are a FREE society. We are not the EU. Plus Like I am going to let some governemnt moron tell me how fact I can drive my 2007 Corvett C6.

    Why doesn't the governemnt tell you how many kids you can have? people having too many kids is a public safety hazard. and if you believe in global warming will increase global warming.

  7. I do not agree with a fixed speed limit in vehicles.

    There are some extreme emergency situations where one may need to go faster than the speed limit.  Also, some vehicles are imported from other countries.  German and Japanese (and some American) manufactured vehicles are a great example.

    I told someone once that you can never eliminate the speeding problem, but you can continue to write tickets.  In my state, we have 'Take Back Our Highways’ campaigns.

    During Thanksgiving week, there were 17,466 tickets written in a seven day span.  This has a great deterrent effect.

  8. If you wanted to force manufacturers to increase the costs of vehicles AND create a new industry of car hackers who'd be in the business of yanking speed limiter tech out of cars, sure.

  9. Easier for whom?  There is too much government intrusion in our lives as it is... I don't need the government (OR YOU) telling me how fast I can drive, or where, or when.

  10. That's very difficult to do mechanically, and many people I think would reject it.

  11. Speed limiters are a blessing & a curse.  I drive for a large trucking company that has them set from 65-68mph depending on fuel economy.  It is a blessing because the only speeding tickets I can get are in construction zones, school zones, & in municipalities, in most states.  They are a curse because there are times that you need extra speed to get around somebody, especially if you are doing your best & still running up on their rear.  It puts us into constant conflict with the motoring public who have to do sudden maneuvers to avoid slower vehicles.  

    Then, the states would lose part of their revenue stream that comes from speeding tickets.  Too many stupid criminals get stopped for speeding, only later to have other charges brought against them for drugs, warrants, etc.

  12. No, for the simple fact that SPEED DOES NOT CAUSE ACCIDENTS OR KILL PEOPLE!

    Who would you feel safer with on the freeway:  Michael Schumacher going 20mph over the posted speed limit, or a witless soccer mom driving an 8,000-lb SUV at 50mph sending text messages?

  13. YES.. If government wants to make all the the semi-trucks that travel the roads in this country go a max speed of 68 mph. This would cause major problem on the road ways with the cars going 80 to 90 mph trying to pass the trucks. Can anyone imagine going 85 mph down the interstate and all of a sudden there is a semi-truck right there. What would you do?? Next thing you know someone has rear ended a semi-truck. And another fatality has occurred.

    So why not have the all the cars have a max speed. This road ways would be a lot safer if car could not go faster than 85 mph.

  14. Sounds great but I just don't ever see it happening.

    Good luck

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