
Would it matter to you if you FOUND OUT your WEDDING RING WAS FAKE??? ?

by  |  earlier

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im rocking a fake ring right now and it dont bother me cuz i know what it represents.




  1. I know my Engagement ring isn't the most expensive in the world, at the time of when he bought me it, because well... he couldn't afford it, but i wouldn't change it for the world :)

  2. I wear fake diamond earrings. When people ask if they are real, I always say "yes they are... real Cubic Zirconia".

    But with a wedding ring I could pretent and say I wouldn't care but the truth is I wanted diamonds so I got diamonds. He wanted diamonds in his wedding ring too and that's what he got.

    I thought most couples pick their wedding rings out together so there should be no suprises.

  3. As long as the wedding vows and the associated emotions and commitments are authentic, who the **** cares about the ring?

  4. well that contradicts your question - you know you have a fake so if you are ok with that -- cool.  If you FOUND out about it, I would be pissed. That is lying.  I fi was in on it, sweet

  5. we have been married since March and still haven't gotten around to buying rings....

  6. Honestly, yes, it would bother me...if my FI presented it to be real. If I knew it was fake, that is a different thing.

    I, however, have seen the diamond paperwork on mine, so I know it is real.

  7. It would only annoy me if he lied and tried to deceive me by passing it off as fake. If he honestly proposed, and said "this is the only ring I can afford right now (or ever)" that would be fine. but if he tried to lie and hide it, that would break my trust and bug me.

    if no lies are involved, then I agree, a ring is merely a symbol, not a measurement of the love...

  8. Depends, could he afford the real thing? if not then well be happy. One day he will get you the real thing.

    If not? dump him now, cause it ain't worth it

  9. No, IF...he couldn't afford a real one yet and he told me quickly.  

    Actually when my husband and I first started dating, we talked about finances and that we didn't want an engagement longer than 6 months if we ever got engaged.  I flat out told him if he did propose, I'd actually prefer a fake one and then we could save up for a real diamond ring and pick it together.  It worked out great.

  10. I didnt' even want an engagement ring.  I only wanted a no.  At the time I knew our financial status...and I knew his love was real and important and no ring would say it differently!  

    I might be upset he lied to me...and I would certainly talk to him about that and tell him....look no lies.  I can take fake...but I can't take not being able to trust you and believe in you.  So don't ever lie to me.  Life is real...I am a big girl..I can handle it.  Lies I can't.!

  11. no as long as the words were real who cares what kind of a ring it is! it's not the size of the diamond  that counts it's the commitment

  12. The reason why wedding rings cost so much is because there's a sense of value and investment in buying this object that really, in actuality, is just a dinky little object that does NOTHING. It has no actual purpose other than to look pretty and serve as a symbol for marriage. With that being said, for ones fiance to lie about this simple symbol, it can really make you question not only their integrity and faith in your marriage, but also what else they might have lied about.

    To me, yes, it would matter. If he just initially purchased a wedding ring that didn't cost so much and wasn't very extravagant, I'd be okay with it. However, if he went out of his way to lie about what he can't afford, then there are definitely issues that need to be reconsidered.

  13. i wouldn't care if it was fake, but you asked if you "found out" it was fake.. if you mean that my fiance lied to me by saying it was real and then i somehow 'found out' he was lying and it was actually fake, then i'd be upset that he lied.

  14. I'm guessing you mean a fake diamond? In that case, no. Simply for the fact that I don't like diamonds, I never have. It has nothing to do with the whole blood diamond issue. I've never been impressed by them and feel they are extremely overpriced and I just don't want one. I don't like Moissanite but I have seen some stunningly gorgeous CZs that actually sparkle more than diamonds do.

    To me, it's the thought that counts. You're engaged whether you have a ring or not, and the ring really is just a material symbol of that. I don't understand at all why spend upwards of several thousand dollars on a ring, especially if it won't even impress her.

  15. I wouldn't care if it was a fake ring- I'd only care if he lied about it.

  16. as long as it doesnt turn my finger green..Im cool with it

  17. Yes, I'd be upset.  For one reason and one reason only, he lied to me.  If I "found out" that would mean it was a secret and something not disclosed to me.  I would be upset by that.   If my Fi, couldn't afford a real ring, I would rather have him admit that.   After all, why hide it?  It's only going to make you look bad and dishonest when the truth comes out.  

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