
Would it not be cheaper for the tax payer is we sacked the Queen and give the job to a Pole on minimum pay...?

by  |  earlier

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.... lets face it they've fuked every one elses job up!!!!!!!




  1. yes, i think so

  2. You must be really hard up to begrudge 66p

  3. You are a laugh a minute, I am surprised you didn't suggest yourself, but then is minimum pay of any interest to you?

    Mind, you could always award yourself mega expenses on top of the minimum pay pittance.

  4. YEA great idea.

  5. No, because then we would not get £2 back each from the Royal accounts.

  6. I reckon it's a great idea as the royals cost the UK roughly £150 million per year or as they like to say on here 60-something pence (still allot).

    But by any chance... and this is just a guess, are you polish? lol

  7. no, because when I visited the UK a few months back a lot of jobs were being done by Poles on minimum pay, some of them quite badly.

    speaking about the girls at least, nothing was going to get in the way of getting an English boyfriend, and thus accommodation or possibly a permanent home in the UK.and in case you think I'm biased, that was the view of a lot of disgruntled Polish boys who were out of the running.

    these girls ignored women customers and men who were clearly not English, or Asian or black! we are talking here about bar staff, shop staff, ferry staff - which could be quite dangerous from a safety angle - and other CS roles.

    so while the role of Queen satisfies that criterion - she has a husband who is an English citizen - you wouldn't get a Pole to do it for minimum wage unless Phil the Greek came as a fringe benefit.

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