
Would it save energy if I didn't turn on the light in my office until after noon?

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The sun shines in my office in the morning so, if I open the blinds and let the sun light it up would it be worth it? I start at 8am so the light would be off 4 hours longer than normal. There's 12 other people in the office, would it make that much of a difference for me alone to do it?




  1. Yes.  If you don't turn something on, then it is not using any energy - so you are saving.

  2. yes it would help alot for you to save on your energy bill besides you dont need light in an office until after 12:00 any way you can trim you energy bill is both good for you and for the environment

  3. yes, i think that it's a brilliant idea, u will obviously contribute in saving energy, go ahead!

  4. Sure, not using electricity when it isn't really needed is definitely helpful.

    It isn't going to make the biggest impact to the entire world, but it is to you, taking time to be mindful of the environment.

  5. Sure it will make a difference! We are encouraging folks in our office to do the same thing if possible. Fluorescent bulbs use LESS energy than incandescent so bringing in a lamp won't help (unless it has a lower wattage CFL bulb).  It's no longer valid that it takes more energy to turn on a fluorescent bulb than leaving them on (used to be the case when they first came out, but the technology has improved since). The energy savings might seem like an insignificant amount at first, but multiply your one day of energy savings by however many days you are in the office per year and it starts to add up! Plus, maybe others in your office will catch on and do it too.

  6. Depends.

    Fluorescents use more energy starting than they do if you leave 'em on 24/7

  7. Yes it will make a difference

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