
Would it solve the problem of Feral Youths and Knife crime if?

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we had Sharia Law.




  1. No.

    What we need is better parenting, better education, less immoral tv and music and more power to the police.

    The pussyfooting pc brigade can **** off too, i think we should be able to smack our kids AND other peoples! lol x

  2. Then people would be stoned to death.

  3. No. Our own laws should all be reviewed and reworked. It would seem  these days that the perpetrators of crime have more rights than their victims. It is simply a case of the law being too soft and that police officers do not have the powers that they used too. I also guess that society has deteriorated and that in general people do not seem to have the  respect for others that they used to. Give our police officers more powers and take away some of the PC nonsense. Also I dare say that compensation culture is also to blame.

  4. not in the slightest..

    Harsher punishments and enforcement of deterrents is a better idea.

  5. maybe tougher judges. less immirgrations.

  6. perhaps,but it would be better to cull the social engineers,lawyers and lax magistrates and judges.

  7. You don't solve a problem by creating a bigger one.

  8. no, we just need to improve and enforce uk law and bang up everyone found carrying one.

  9. No, what we need is harsher prisons and much harsher sentences for violent crime.

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