
Would it take longer to boil an egg or take a shower?

by Guest58673  |  earlier

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Ok I have just had a race with an egg.




  1. Shower, i like em soft..

  2. why would you even want to know that ? tell you what put an egg in a pan of hot water go take a shower eat your egg  and we all happy

  3. well, uhm.. it depends really to you, go race with the egg!

    well if u can't take a shower for only a minute! then it's faster hahaha

  4. Depends on how fast you move. Sometimes I take a 10 min shower, and when I am in a real hurry I take a 5 min shower. It takes about 5 mins to boil an egg.  You can also just boil the water, drop the egg in, and turn off the heat and head for the shower. The egg will be ready when you get back.

    Or put plenty of water in the pan, drop in the eggs, turn on the heat, and then hit the shower.

  5. Answer..... The same amount of time! Being environmentally friendly, I carry my eggs up to the shower and steam them using the excess heat from my shower cubicle. Trouble is I always end up with sloppy toast!

  6. boil an egg take longer

  7. the government in queensland gave us a 4min egg timer to shower by, because of their stuff up with no infrastructure for all the people..sigh

    so egg may win by 1 minute...........

  8. that depends on on the altitude of your house and on your shower_taking period.

  9. Egg. 3 - 4minutes

    Shower 10 minutes if I'm washing my hair as well.

  10. that depends on ur shower.. eggs boil in about 5 mins so....

  11. I raced an egg, it won! doesn't take me long to shower, just in and out!

  12. Shower

  13. For me it would take longer to shower!

  14. Are you washing your hair? Shaving? If yes to both, the boiling of an egg would take less time.

  15. take a shower for me. lol.

    i like em long, hot and slow.

    and hard.... the eggs that is. ;)

  16. It depends:

    a military shower takes 7:32 minutes: no singing, everything washed twice, no temperature adjustment when the shower is started.

    an ordinary shower takes between 10 minutes and 35 minutes:  singing very loud, throwing water at the soap on the wall, fine tuning the temperature at least 3 or 4 times ...

    so a normal shower takes longer than boiling regular eggs.

  17. if there is a water shortage your egg might not be ready

  18. taking a shower

  19. Most people I know take about 10 - 20 minutes. And since boiling an egg uses up about 5 minutes, I'd say taking a shower would take longer (in most cases).

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