
Would just like to know this?

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Why is it that pregnant women are not ment to lift heavy things? Im almost 20wks pregnant and currently moving house and its so annoying not being able to move or lift stuff, so yeah.. was just wondering why we cant?




  1. they don't like you to lift anything to heavy in case the placenta would tear,  

  2. It can cause too much strain on the uterus and cause premature rupture of membranes(water breaking), could lead to stillbirth, placental abruption, placenta issues, it is dangerous for baby.

  3. Actually you can.  You just need to watch yourself, be careful, drink water and rest when you can.

    If we aren't to lift heavy things when pregnant why is it we can lift our toddlers and preschoolers?  How did the woman in the 1900's survive?  ;=)

    You can do it, just don't over do it.

  4. i think its annoying too!! My husband wont let me carry anything ... ANYTHING!!!!

    I feel so helpless but I have heard that to a certain weight we can carry "heavy" things long as its not like 200Lbs or anything but  I dont know  

  5. well you can to a point, it can cause strain on you and your baby to be, just don't go crazy with how much you lift. My hubby went nuts too, wouldn't even let me carry wash downstairs or groceries in from car but they do it cause they care. women have been having babies for many many years lol you yourself know how much you can handle just don't go overboard.

  6. why risk it?  If your around people that will help out take advantage of it:)

  7. You can carry certain things still, just not something that you wouldn't normally don't carry a piano!! That's exactly what my dr told me lol. If you have boxes of clothes or such that aren't too heavy go ahead (you could ask your dr first just in case as I don't know the history of your pregnancy). But I don't have one of those hubbies that carries everything lol I have to do it and I am fine.

    You also have to be more careful if you are carrying something heavy as your ligaments are weakend and falling is eaiser. We moved when I was about 5 wks preggo with my 2nd and didn't know I was and I was carrying boxes of books up 14 stairs and everything was still fine. just ask ur dr.  

  8. I agree with twinmama!

  9. The reason is because all your soft tissue (including joints and ligaments) get softer when you are pregnant, your centre of gravity changes, and you are not able to use your abdominal muscles as you once were, so you are more likely to injure yourself. If you do injure yourself recovery can take longer when you are pregnant because your body has other priorities.

    I understood the idea that lifting causes miscarriage is actually a myth, that has understandably come about when women who have miscarried look at what they may have done wrong to try and understand why. Pregnant women over the generations have had to pick up and carry toddlers (often against the toddler's will!) many times a day with no harm done to themselves or the new baby.

    So you should avoid heavy lifting, especially if you are not used to it, but a bit of light lifting shouldn't do any harm if you are reasonably careful and take rest breaks as needed.

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