
Would karl marx naturally consider himself the ultimate marxist?

by Guest63222  |  earlier

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why or why not?




  1. Marxist is the term we give to those who trust and follow Karl Marx philosophy of Historical and Dialectical materialism plus the Das Capital. Marx cannot be termed as Marxist!

    What do you mean by ultimate Marxist? To be precise, before to Karl Marx, thousands of people of same thoughts of Marx have lived and did analyze the history of mankind in the similar perspective and have made contribution to the materialistic philosophical theory!

    They all have contributed in the same way, but Marx has made the compilation of all and had advanced it to the highest level within his level of knowledge and maturity to arrive at the Marxist revolutionary way of changing the society for highest order of living!

    We know as the way Marx and Engels made the dialectics of natural science where they have declared " the constant change in the nature and human life is the only thing that would remain unchanged forever", has reveled that the "Marxist Philosophy" has itself HAS ALSO CHANGED TO NEW LEVEL of acceptance and approval even by the non-Marxists, by their own interpretation of its essence to keep the working class behind them to enjoy the power and the authority!

    If Marx would have lived till date, he could have changed many things including the armed struggle and revolution by the working class and seizing the power to declare the "Proletarian dictatorship", in every nation! I feel he would have visualized a world with peace to live rather than classless society! In the larger sense PEACE means more of harmony and amity among people to live and enjoy fine life by ALL OF THEM !

    Though Karl Marx had never considered himself as the ultimate Marxist, the world will honor him more than that for his brilliant contribution to Philosophy!

  2. Probably not.

    In my studies .... often the creator of something is not purely that ..... it is those indoctrinated in it that are more pure.  


  3. I don't think so. Any good thinker, always has reservations about their thoughts and is always searching for flaws. Many never see them because they are too close to the subject and can't see the forest because of that tree right in front of them.

  4. Several of K Marx' drinking buddies, revolutionaries themselves, wrote in letters to friends that Karl, when enjoying a good bottle of vino, would tend to ridicule "Communists" as "idiots," and worse.

    Karl's mother has perhaps the last word:  "Karl should have made capital, not written it."

    A researcher, granted unusual access to Kremlin archives of unpublished Marx material, wrote "Marx and Satan."  (Richard Wurmbrand; it's worth reading.)

  5. if anything marx was more capitalist so no.

  6. Are you asking if Marx was over-narcissistic and therefor his writings bound to that?

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