
Would libs have put a price on independence in 1776?

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The way they keep mentioning dollar figures and complaining about how much freedom for Iraqis costs?




  1. They did.  One even said "Give me liberty or give me death".  But the difference is they were fighting for their own liberty, not for the liberty of people from another country.  

  2. Iraq is not my country. Their freedom and independence means nothing to me. In the American Revolution the colonists paid the bill for their own independence. In Iraq, Americans are paying the bill for Iraqi independence. There was no independence movement in Iraq. We did them no great favor by invading. Now, they want us to leave. We should honor their wishes. It was a fantastic waste of money and lives.

  3. Well, the revolution was led by insurgents and instigated by terrorists.  being the victors, however, we have defined them as liberators and heroes.

  4. Too bad no one did in 1968...

  5.   The same leaders back in 1776 would be called libs now.  So why should my tax dollars support a country that is not America.  You should be for America first and want to keep our tax dollars in our country instead of spending it in a foreign country.  Lets use the same money for building a strong defense instead of oil rights in a foreign country.

  6. In 1776 we earned our Independence.

    As always, we can Not give a country democracy.

    It must be earned.

    That's why we complain about the money Wasted in Iraq.

  7. Well certainly they did. They put lives at stake as the price for their independence. The suggestion that Franklin and his cohorts were somehow political conservatives is a bit unbalanced. The conservatives of that time were staunch Tory Loyalists who felt that continued allegiance to the Crown was the proper course of action.

    As for the Iraqis. Freedom can not be purchased for any man. Freedom is something that must be earned. We keep trying to give people this thing called Freedom, which is perhaps less important to them than jobs, security, etc.

    The Iraqis have already shown their talents for covert war against young Americans sent to help them. What stopped them from using these same talents to gain their own freedom??

  8. Those who backed the fight for independence would be considered "liberal".

    Boy have times changed.

    Our founders gave us a constitution and Bill of Rights geared to spread the power of Government as far and wide as possible to prevent tyranny. They knew power corrupts.

    Today's Liberals want to give Your Power (Money is Power) in the form of high taxes to potential tyrants and have them take over the citizens responsibility to care for himself.

    Never vote for anyone who wants to raise taxes. It guarantees Tyranny.  

  9. ...Are you really comparing the Revolutionary War to the current war?  Really?  Because they aren't similar in any fashion...except for the whole "killing" part.  In the Revolution, we had no choice to fight...otherwise we would all have British accents.  In Iraq...we are liberating them by continuing to shoot at them.  Progress, my friend...much progress.  

    I supported the war in the beginning...and really up until recently decided that enough was enough.  If we are actually going to liberate Iraq, it has to start through political actions.  The military has done all it can...what will continual fighting actually do?

  10. Libs LED the independence issue in 1776

    "As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality."  --  George Washington


    we didn't have to let the G O P ruin the nation and make their cronies selling defense and sub-contractor rights RICH !!!

  11. After the first volley of musket fire, they would have said the "death toll was too high" and would have apologized to the King and gladly returned to subjugation.

    At least.... that's how they're acting today.

  12. Well, the main difference is that we were fighting for our own freedom, while we have no responsibility to fight for the Iraqis' freedom.  

  13. Are you willing to die for the Iraqis?

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