
Would like to be stationed in... Antartica?

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I would actually really like to be stationed in Antartica, how feesible would that be as Military Intel? I know most of antartica is just research and things, but you would think there would be a few intel personel down there as well?

I've never heard Antartica as an option to renlist for either.




  1. Not very. as far as i know and have been told you have to be in research  or science type of carer fields. intel would have no reason to be in Antarctica. how ever i have seen stranger stuff happen while i was in. point being don't get your hopes up on going there

  2. Very few Navy personnel at McMurdo. My cousin did a winter-over there as a Navy Corpsman. Might be some Aerographers' Mates there (Navy weathermen). But Intel ratings would be skating on the edge of respecting Antarctica's neutrality and status as international soil.

    There is one advantage to doing a winter-over. You get a piece of that continent's geography named for you.  

  3. You are so right, I have never heard of any military type personnel in is mostly  research  and scientists.  There are over 40 different bases on Antarctica manned by many different nations.  A treaty or agreement was signed by these different  nations that have set stringent rules and regulations to prevent take over by any one country.  I cannot remember off the top of my head the name of the treaty or agreement.  But I do believe that there is no Military intel of any kind in Antarctica at this time.  Also, there are stringent  rules about who is allowed to go to Antarctica.  Hope this helps.

  4. I don't think there are any military bases in Antarctica.....

  5. I know the navy has people in Antarctica, but the likely-hood of you going there is not good.

  6. asking me if i wanted to be stationed in anartica is like asking me do i want a kick in the balls becuase its cold as **** to be there more than a week  

  7. Ya you have to go all scientist for that one.

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