
Would like to conceive as soon as possible!?

by Guest61427  |  earlier

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My husband & I have been TTC for a year and so far we have not become pregnant. I even had blood work done to make sure all my hormones were normal and they are. I'm only 30 and my husband is 28 so I realize we shouldn't be stressing out over this because we're still young and it will eventually happen. My husband can not wait to have children and in the past year both his & my sister have gotten pregnant. It upsets us that it seems so easy for them to get pregnant but we're also happy that we have 2 nieces in the family. My husband finally broke down the other night and let all out. He's so anxious and stressed about the whole situation (Me too). I tried to comfort him but I have never seen him cry like that. I take Materna vitamins every day and I've been paying close attention to my diet. Is it possible to try too hard? Is there anything else we can do to make it happen sooner rather than later? Does anyone know of any natural fertility aids that has worked for them? I would love to hear from anyone who has been in the same situation but all comments are welcome.




  1. one year is a good time to go visit with a fertility doctor.  Don't get all worried b/c I say this though... Usually it's simple steps to get pregnant.  and many women get pregnant after the first three months of seeing a specialist.  If it's creating such emotional upset for you and your husband, you really should go.  Hey, it won't hurt anything, right?  Don't be afraid, just make an appointment.  My Brother and his wife had the same problem.  She had some scar tissue on her cervix from getting precancerous cells removed when she was in high school.  The sperm just couldn't get past her cervix.  They did artificial insemenation (inserted the ejaculate right past her cervix) on her ovulation day.  she also had to have a few home injections of hormones i think a few days leading to it and a few days after.  she conceived the first try.  Then a year later, conceived baby #2 on the first try again w/this method.  Some problems are really simple to work out. :-)   good luck!!!

  2. I would recommend charting your fertility signs.This can tell you when & if you are ovulating. The following web site has a great tutorial to help you get started. They also have a good support network. Also, yes, there is such a thing as trying too hard. Stress can affect your fertility negatively.  

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