
Would like to finish this biology degree, but face a dilemma

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i want to finish my biology degree so bad. but i just dont see how i'm going to do it. first of all, i have to work to get these bills paid. secondly,most biology courses require 2 hr labs. im 31 years old with over 100 credits. but i went to school back in 94-97 and again from 99-2000. not sure how many of these credits are still good. if i can't puruse this biology degree, what other majors would be a smooth transition for me? id love to finish in 2 years or less if possible. ive been thinking maybe i can transfer these credits to a community college or tech school. i mean i dont plan on going to med or dental school. or teaching. so why waste money on a bio degree when i can get my certs in a year or 2. become an ultrasound or nuclear med tech and still make good money




  1. Honestly, I would look into a community college, esp. considering your situation. Classes are flexible to fit your needs, and the cost is a lot cheaper to help with the bills you already.  The advising department will tell you want classes they can accept, and any support classes you may need. If you do a medical program (nursing, nuclear med, surgical techolnolgy) you will be five steps ahead due to your previous work considering you probably took Anatomy, Chem, Math. Good Luck!  

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