
Would like to get health insurance liscense. is a national social plan possible? will this be a dead industry

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Would like to get health insurance liscense. is a national social plan possible? will this be a dead industry




  1. I am not going to  say I am one hundred percent sure about the answer.Besides it really depends on the personal feelings.SO it would better for you to find yourself.Here is a good resource.

  2. If you are interested in offering health insurance and advising clients on how to understand the many options and choices they have to make to get the right coverage I would not hesitate in pursuing a career as a health insurance agent.

    If you study the national health care debate you will find that it has been under discussion since the 1950's. I think that after the total failure of Mrs. Clinton's proposal to nationalize health insurance any future proposals would be a gradual transition over many years. And that is assuming it would happen at all because it would be an enormously challenging and expensive benefit.

    If you insist on the proposition that national health insurance is inevitable you probably could still be first in line for a government job because of your health insurance experience.

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