
Would like to post something I have written but?

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why am I fearing it so much? Parts of it Iam still not satisfied with plus so many good writters out there, kind of intimidating! I want to write something new and can't seem to find the words or the flow? So tell me how to move the block that will help me get some self esteme going!!




  1. think of it this way...

    We are here to support you with contstructive criticism not negative feedback.

    Fear is a common reaction to the unknown and you are not alone.

    Just take a deep breath and post what you have already written and I will give you my personal opinion on it without making you feel inferior or intimidated.


  2. Every writer is an individual - they shouldn't be compared to each other. And every writer has their own voice, so their work is supposed to be their own. Don't worry about not being good enough - writing is just about having fun, gaining new experience, experimenting and for some, may be therapeutic.

    P.S. I wouldn't recommend posting stuff here on Y!A because your work may be plagiarized.

    Good luck!


  3. Hey, Maltese, it's your newest contact, ghostwriter. My ID is not just a clever nickname. I am something of a ghostwriter. By that I mean I write a lot of stuff under an assumed name :) I wouldn't mind reading something you have written. If you like doing it, that's mainly what counts. Anything that comes from you is special.  Write on!

  4. Fear is only temporary.  It passes once you experience a few dips in the water.  Besides, what you write is personal, it's part of you, and it hurts if someone criticizes it.  However, you have to know m'dear, in a world of millions, you cannot hope to gain acceptance from them all.  It is you that must learn to accept yourself and train your heart to listen to the applause you get, and shut out the nasties as part of the process but just "opinion".  

    Have fun with your writing.  Write what you experience, what you know.  Ordinary things that impress you about your day, your relationships, your hurts, fears, doubts, confusions, things that make you laugh.

    Poetry is about touching somebody else with a part of something from you.  Communication of soul to soul.  Make it simple, (doesn't have to be 6 stanzas long), just let it flow from you.

    Think of something, a working title, write it down on paper or in a word doc on your computer and just go with whatever flows from that.

    You can correct, edit out words, lines, etc., later.  Just let it flow.  You'd be surprised how well this technique works.  

    But above all ENJOY the effort, the write, the expressions, the feel of letting things out, of observing things in life, being more sensitive about the right things and less sensitive about yourself.

    Trust me, nobody wants your work here.  Many of us are already published poets.  And copyrights do not apply to anything online anyway.

  5. Just be prepared, not everyone likes the same types of poetry.  No matter how good it may be, there will be some who think it's trash, or juvenile, or too cliche', or have some other malady.  Some will give criticism with encouragement and possibly suggestions, and some will try to rewrite the whole thing for you.  Be prepared for the negative, and enjoy the positive.  Some will say it's brilliant even if it isn't.  Time will teach you who to listen to, and hopefully learn from.

  6. Write all you want on the subject. Then break it up in such a manner that each line flows into the other.

    There should by rhythm here, and that comes from meter. Look for the syllable that you wish to emphasize, and do it in a manner that the verse can be sung with accompaniment to a musical instrument, like a guitar.

    Once you have done this read your work again. Try using different words without changing the meaning.

    During this process, try to bring in some rhyme.

    Re-read and make small changes

    Then compare it to the original.

    The central idea will not change, but you have a message that will put across what you wish to say in a very interesting manner.

    Best of luck

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