
Would like to take a gift to my host family in France, what are your suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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I heard post its but that seems so cheap.? I need to pack it in a suit case so please dont suggest items that are liquid. May be I could send the gift ahead of time by mail?




  1. How about a really good quality American chocolate or something made in your homes state. My daughter has had many exchange students and they usually bring something from there country or even home town.

  2. dont bring food

    you could bring fancy t-shirts or something like that

    something that could be like a souvenir or something

    but not food

    we have all the food we want in France.

  3. if you have trouble deciding, you can always call them and ask what they would like to receive.

    -don't worry, they won't ask u to get them a Lincoln Towncar or something that expensive.

    - if they say it's nothing needed, u back at starting point, but at least u know that they didn't hope to receive anything specific.

    don't forget to send them (by mail) another gift after u return to the US. even if it's a CD or a post card. THAT they'd apreciate even more than the 1st gift!

  4. I'm from San Francisco so See's chocolates have done well as gifts for French people. I would only recommend food if it's something typical and special from where you're from, like dried nuts and fruit or some sort of cake from home. A coffee table book is also a good idea, again, from your area. I've also done well with kitchen supplies but that can be tricky if you haven't met them and haven't seen what they use. They don't have good peelers in France and I've bought fancy salt & pepper shakers, lemon squeezers, novelty items like that I found places like Crate & Barrel (if you're in the U.S.)

    It's so hard because I also have to be able to pack whatever I bring each time. It also depends heavily on where you live.

    Good luck and happy shopping!

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