
Would love 2 live in Paris....wat do i do!!!!????

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im 14 but when i get older i wanna travel all over the world but mainly live in paris but i also wanna live close 2 home what should i do??????




  1. If you have no kids just move.

  2. Save your money, visit Paris in the Spring or Fall (not Summer).      

    See how you like it but do not commit yourself until you have stayed successfully and happily for 3 months.  If after 3 months, you are still happy in Paris, go home and apply for a Carte de Sejour (green card).

    I have been living in France for years now, as I dreamed about when I was younger, and I find that all i want to do is move closer to my family(USA).  I want my kids to know what it is to be American, as well as French.

    If you are still set on living here, then take all the French classes you can get your hands on and pay attention!  The language barrier took me 3 years to hurdle.

  3. Have you visited Paris before? It's a wonderful city but I would definitely recommend visiting first, just to see how much you like it (even though visiting isn't really the same as living in a city). I'm from there and very proud to see so many people wanting to see or even live in the city! Maybe if you travel a little first you'll see if you enjoy being away from home and get used to it (I moved away to a foreign country close to home first and then now I live on the other side of the world). Good luck :)

  4. Paris stinks, the place for pervs with all those dirty places. u don't want ur kids growing up there unless u want them to grow up to be pimps and w****s

  5. There are many practical difficulties with living in Paris, not the least of which is finding suitable employment unless you are independently wealthy. Speaking French with reasonable fluency  is part of that and also important simply to be able to function adequately.

    No problem cannot be overcome of course but if you truly desire to live in Paris you will need to begin planning now and working towards that goal.

    Are you studying French in school? You ought to start now if you have not already done so. The earlier you start the greater the chance that you will be master the language as it is generally accepted that it is harder to learn new languages later in life. My daughter traveled extensively with me when she was young and by the time she was your age she spoke 6 languages.

    Have you determined a career goal that will give you the type of job skills that can be transferred across national boundaries or which will give you an opportunity to work abroad? The military or the Foreign Service can be good choices in this regard.

    So while I cannot tell you exactly what to do I urge you to plan carefully and thoughtfully and then be ready to work very hard to bring your plans to fruition.

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