
Would love input interpreting CELF-4 test scores Preping for an IEP tomorrow?

by Guest45436  |  earlier

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This was graded in %ile and Age Equiv.

Concepts and following directions .1% <7

Word classes 25% 8:11

recalling sentences .4% 5:2

Formulated sentences 9% 8:9

These next scores are standard with a mean of 100 and average range of 85-115

Standard Score %ile

Core Language 66 1

receptive language 67 1

expressive language 73 4

language content 96 39


Also he had a token test for children and got a % of .1

His BASC shows hyperactivity at home, not quite as bad at school but more depression, withdrawl and attention problems at school (probably because of the receptive language issues.

I would love any help, input, brainstorming on ideas on how to address his issues, goals to shoot for, etc.....





  1. Well, on the first scores I would say that it is more appropriate to go by the percentiles and scale scores rather than the age equivalencies.  They are much more reliable, as the age equivalencies are approximations, and the percentile and scale scores are standardized representations.  Did any of the BASC scores indicate clinical significance?  If they did, I would recommend that these be addressed as goals with the social worker as a related service.  I would guess that some one-on-one reinforcement would benefit your son most of all.  Does your son receive speech services?  If he does not, I would suggest such, as our speech pathologist has worked wonders with a child with almost exactly the same issues your son is dealing with.  I would suggest the resource model first for reading and language.  I also would suggest that you wait until the beginning of next year to allow the special education staff who will be working with your son at least two weeks to work with him to formulate goals, because I&#039;ll bet what time you have left isn&#039;t going to cut it to make goals appropriate for his needs.  Good luck with everything!

  2. %tile (percentile) ranks work like this:  If your child scores a 50, then 50 kids scored higher than him and 50 scored lower.  If your child does not have an IEP, any score lower than the 7%ile qualifies him for special ed.  He most certainly qualifies for speech services.  He should have a Pragmatics and Theory of Mind assessment as well.  Is he ever afraid of noises?  Very picky eater?  Does he have an extreme interest in something (ie trains?)    

    Has anyone ever told he he may be autistic?  Take a look at the .  

    As far as goals, he needs an expressive language goal, a receptive language goal, following directions goal, probably an intraverbal goal (ie name, address, phone number, other personal info) as well as others.  I would have to see the rest of the report to give you better info on needed goals.

    He needs a Sensory Integration assessment.  This will help with his attention span.  He also needs a Functional Analysis Assessment that will determine why he is behaving certain ways.  You described off-task, non-attending, and attention-seeking behaviors.  These behaviors need to be analyzed using ABC Data (Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence).  Goals must then be written in each area to teach him appropriate replacement behaviors.  

    I know this may be a lot more than you wanted to here.  I am here if you have questions.  Just email me.

  3. What is your child&#039;s IQ?  What is he currently identified as?

    EDIT:  Does he struggle in all subjects due to the receptive language deficit?  What are strengths for him?  What type of services do you think he&#039;ll need (pull-out or just accommodations in gen. ed.)?

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