
Would love to adopt how can i with the fees there so expensive?

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My husband and I have been married for 7 years and can not have children of our own and would love to adopt is there any help out there with fees?




  1. Start looking into out of system adoptions. Find someone who is going to give the child up and agree to take it. You can call hopsitals and churches and ask about programs they have as well.

  2. The best way to adopt w/out the fees is through fostering children. make sure you go through a fost-adopt agency. as a matter of fact i am a foster parent that is certified through a fost-adopt agency. we are having an orientation/training on the 20th of June, in Hesperia, ca. i don't know where you are located at but if you are close by then please come. you can e-mail me personally for more info.

  3. There are lots of different ways to adopt, and depending on which agency you go through, the fees can be much lower. Some agencies base their fees on a sliding scale based on your income, and the balance is made up from donations that they get from others.

    If you live in the U.S., there's also a federal tax credit of over $10,000 that you get after your adoption is final. You can't apply to start taking it until the year your adoption is final, so you'll have to have the money upfront to pay adoption costs, but you'll get some of it back. You have up to 5 years to use the whole tax credit.

    Our adoption was final in 2007, so we got to start taking the credit on our federal taxes with the return we filed this year. We got all of the money we paid in federal taxes back (should have changed our withholding, so the money would have been in our bank account earning interest) and will for at least one more year and part of it back the 3rd year. That helps, just not right away when you have to come up with the money!

    Adopting through the foster care system is of course another option; for us,  we wanted a newborn so it was best to take another route.

    Best of luck!

    EDIT: We did not "misuse" the adoption tax credit - it was set up to help people with the many fees related to adoption, and help get children, whether newborns or older, into the arms of parents who want them and are prepared to take care of them.

    Adopting from foster care is wonderful - but so is adopting a  newborn!! As an adoptive parent, you have to go with where your heart is leading you!

  4. There are thousands of kids in the foster care system who are waiting for homes.  it is not an expensive process.

    ETA:  The tax credit was designed as an incentive to reduce the numbers of children in foster care.  What a shame to see people are mis-using this facility to help offset the extortionate private adoption fees which keep the baby traders in their £1.4 billion business.  Yuk.

  5. Foster care adoption is usually free.

  6. Mommy of 1.5-

    Most people consider that kind of networking predatory in nature and exploitive to the expectant mothers who are still unsure about their pregnancies.  It is unethical and repulsive to advertise with high schools or doctor's clinics!  Stephanie Bennett ring a bell?

    To answer the question:

    The fees are so high because it is fueling a multi-million dollar industry (i.e legal human trafficking).  Sadly, even foster care is corruptive and you cannot even guarentee that a child placed in your care is even there for a reason (many states have taken children for no reason and adopted them out to make money).  Enjoy your life being child-free.  Better yet, open a daycare, at least this way you can enjoy being around babies and kids, and then when they get to be too much to handle, you can give them back.

  7. If you adopt from  the foster care  system the fees are very low. However it is more difficult to adopt a young child or infant. This is why we decided on a private adoption (expensive). If you are willing to adopt and older child, or sibling  group you would have a shorter wait. Be aware that kids in the foster system are there due to abuse and neglect, so the children may have some extra issues to deal with.

    I don't know of any assistance with private adoption fees, other than the federal tax credit. However the tax credit doesn't cover the full cost, and is only given after the expenses are paid - so you still need to come up with a lot of money.

  8. I don't know the answer to your question but an alternative is Foster Care.  There are so many kids that need good homes, some on short term basis, others long term.  My friends are fostering 1 boy long term and he is now a part of the family. (He is never to be returned to his parents.) Wouldn't hurt to make enquires.  Just a thought.  Best of luck.

  9. ever heard of foster care?

  10. Please remember that adoption is a way to find families for children who need them, not fulfill your desire for a baby that you can't have.  If you are able to come to terms with this, then I'd recommend looking into adopting through foster care.  It's free in most states.

  11. One more vote for foster care. I adopted my son through foster care in California five years ago.

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