
Would making Masumane be really easy or really <span title="hard??????????????????????????????">hard?????????????????????...</span>

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Does anyone know a good place to find easy guides for sword crafting????????????????????????????????...




  1. Do you mean Masamune? As in the swords forged by Okazaki Masamune in the Kamakura era? You&#039;re asking how to make a sword in imitation of the craft of an almost legendary swordsmith? I really doubt you&#039;ll find an easy guide for -that-.

    Now, if you&#039;re talking about making a prop based off of something from a game or anime or something like that, you&#039;ll have to be more specific in asking your question. But if you want to make a functional sword, even a crappy functional sword, it will not be easy, and even the best-written guide won&#039;t make it a piece of cake for you.

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