
Would married couple still be will consider Christians....?

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if they became swingers?




  1. well maybe if yon pray god will answer your question

  2. do you REALLY have to ask that??????????????

  3. Sure.

    Swinging isn't the same as adultery.


  4. When a priest molests a little kid is he still a Christian?

    When a church secretary steals from the collection plate is she still a christian.

    You are whatever faith you claim to be. Though you may not follow everyone's idea of what a christian should be, you are still a christian if you believe in Christ.


  5. Can't believe you're asking this question...A categorical "no" should suffice.


  6. Pebbles they could still act in the Christian manner (as defined by whomever defines such things).  But I somehow doubt that the followers of their faith would view such a lifestyle as being very Christian like.

  7. NO. It goes against everything the bible says marriage is about. If you are making the lifestyle choice to have s*x before marriage it is a sin just like being swingers, but swigging is different because it's within the sacred union of MARRIAGE. Most people ask for forgiveness for their sins and then change their lives for the better.

    Swigging is disgusting. It's a disrespect to marriage just as adultery is and I find it shameful. It just goes to show you how damaging the "sexual revolution" was to marriage and society in general.

  8. Believing in Jesus Christ and respecting Him are two different things.

    If you choose to swing, you have absolutely No respect for Jesus.

  9. oaky false logics are in place...

    1) you dont' justify one wrongdoing because another one has been done or someone else did it.

    2) its either right or wrong.

    3) PLANNING and CHOOSING are kind of part of this situation... To sin by goofing up or being weak willed is one thing. To sin by planning, manipulatind and justifying is another.

    4) What quality of life regardless of spiritual standing does a person want... And in light of spirtual life what quality of spiritual life does a person want.

    There are some issues to think about here besides the spiritual adn that is the relationships, the life quality in health and in spirit, and what do you want to tell your children someday.

    Personally yeah,  God forgives but to PLAN on doing something that you know in your heart is wrong is spirtual suicide. IMHO. I don't think I'd take advantage of God like that.  Although ther is a bibilical example of that.  In old testament -David did... he planned it in his heart adn God sent people to let him know he knew what David was planning.. it cost David big time.  

  10. Those here who say that it is an unaccepted choice for Christians are correct.  Those who have deemed this the unforgivable sin are not correct.  It would be strange and contradictory and hypocritical for a couple to claim to be both, but Christians are sinners still, just like others.  We are just forgiven through God's grace.

  11. im not a christian,and even i know the answer to that question.of course they wouldnt be considered christians.s*x outside marriage according to the bible is wrong.

  12. Right, and if you don't go to church on the Sabbath instead of Sunday you are breaking a commandment.

    There is no one on earth that can tell you or anyone else what their religion is.  I don't care what they do.

    By the way, all you uptight Christians that are thumbing down good answers are judging others and according to your bible you are in danger of hellfire.

  13. That would go against one of the commandments I do believe it is the last one on the list:

    Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ***, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.

    That would fall under that.  I am not a practicing roman catholic, but went through 12 years of CCD Classes.

  14. Back sliding ones at the very most but they still would burn if they didn't repent

  15. If they were Christians in  the 1st place they wouldn't even consider doing something like that!!!! You are not a Christian if you are entertaing thoughts like that.

  16. I believe, according to the Christian bible, there is only one sin that can not be forgiven.

  17. I think you're a Christian if you believe in and accept Jesus as your personal savior.  That being said, anything else is between you, your partner and God.

  18. i would say yes, but you better be doing a whole lot of repenting later on.

    people sin everyday.  I know you Catholics think you don't, but we do.  We ALL do.  ALL have sinned.  

    people lie everyday, but that doesn't make them any less Christian.  We are sinners, that's why we need take away the sins of the world....and u...and me...and swingers.

    EDIT:  I would like to know how many of these people who claim that a swinger could not be a Christian were virgins when they got married.  I believe that isn't exactly advocated in the good book, either.  But, there's fewer and fewer who get married as virgins.

    Edit again:  i'm not a swinger.

    Edit once more:  Oh yeah, couple more things to remind my fellow Christians..."Judge not, lest ye be judged."  and "Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone."

  19. I think you should have avoided the trouble and not even bother with this question... OF COURSE IT"S NOT ACCEPTABLE!!

    Read your question to yourself!!!

  20. Accepting christ as your savior is what makes one a christian. Whether or not they are 'good' or 'bad' christians is another thing, and subject to interpretation.

    A. They may not be considered christians by others. But belonging to a religious faith is up to the individual, not other people.

    B. Swinging is not infidelity. Look up the word 'faithful'.

    1obsolete : full of faith

    2: steadfast in affection or allegiance : loyal

    3: firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty : conscientious

    4: given with strong assurance : binding

    5: true to the facts, to a standard, or to an original

    Nowhere in there does it say a person cannot be faithful to more than one person. Or that if they have any sort of relations with more than one person that they are not being faithful. Definition number 3 comes into play. If two people promise each other they will only have relations with each other, breaking that would be breaking the vow. If two consenting adults permit one another to have relations with a third party, that is not breaking any sort of vow. Either way it does not affect one's belief in their christ. The buy-bull does not condemn s*x outside of marriage, religion does.

    As for marriage, most of the world was once theocratic, some still is today, the church/mosque/temple/whatever was the government. This is where the legal contract of marriage originates. Marriage was generally performed to unite families for monetary, political, or land gain. It had nothing to do with love or s*x.

  21. Well now lets really think about this one..h**l NO...give me a break

  22. Damiana is right.  Your beliefs are between you and God.  

  23. religion is personal, if we all was to follow others definiation then none of us would be because most religions dont even come close to recognising eachother, and there are like heaps of different directions

    Christianity is split in catholic and protestant

    Protestant is normaly split in about a handfull main directions

    + all the christian churches who aint recognised as mainstreem protestant, but still use somewhat of the same bible and such define themself as christian.

    And the fact that there are heaps of scripts not used in bible and it differs to whom recognise them and not as well.

    so you will just have to ask yourself i guess, because in reality, there is no one in this world who can give you an answer short of what they belive, but who know who has the rigth of it, everyone just go by what they think and been raised to belive to be the rigth one, but its not the same for all

    Sorry i do belong to a protestant church, but honestly its not something for me to answer, what is thougth there do not add up to what is thougth in the next church over always. And we can only choose to belive what we think is rigth, thats a free choise because we all been given free will, so I dont feel its up to me to say whats rigth, i can state what i belive is rigth, but thats a total different mather. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you...and I dont want anyone else to be pressing their view and belif down my troath that goes against my belif, so I dont feel its my rigth to do it against someone else either. This is something people will need to make their own mind up on.

    The closest person who could answer you is the priest in your own church, the church you have chosen to attend, because he have oversigth of the belif you have chosen to follow. It amases me how many christans fail to realise how many directions there are out there, and the differences that may exsist, I dont deny in most christian churches it would be sin acording to the bible they follow, sertainly in mine, but that apart specialy in US there are heaps of modern christian churches...and I dont see anyone trying to press their religious views on someone who is muslim, jew etc

    how is a different christain church any less of a different religion, its not, and no one should answer with their fate of rules for a church and religion they do not know. Without knowing which direction a christian follow you should be carefull to not overstep, because in some cases it may be as different these days as a total other religion.

    The question may as well read is it considered religious to be swingers? would you still just say no, or would you dive into explaining that which rules that aplied would depend upon which religion you visited?

    And well for those saying one man and woman, well you sertainly must be reading a different bible then me and my bf, both of us follow mainstream protestant churches. And a few examples do exsist of multimariage

    Jacob, Rachel, Leah

    Salamon had 700 wives

    so where in all you got the idea that marriage was just one man and woman is beyond me, in fact in the days of christ it was not unusual for a man to have more then one wife.

    The singular marriage is not a religious consept rather a western society consept. That just happens to not go against religious rules, as there is no rule saying that you Have to have more then one spouce.

    So get over it christianity aint just 1 united religion following the same teaching all over the block at all. Not all of the 'christian' directions even recognise eachother as christian. And regardless of what you belive, you should in these days at least be enligthened to know that much (wheter you agree with it or not).

    Oh and btw, remove the plank out of your own eye before you try to remove the splinter out of your brothers eye. I find that while I am no expert in the bible, most heavy religious rigthious people are the worst hypocrits because they preach one thing and do another, in my eyes often most much worse then what they lecture others for.

  24. The bible speaks against adultery...........swinging is adultery.  So people can PROCLAIM to be a christian but it's one thing to wear the title and it's another thing to live the life Jesus taught.  I wouldn't want to represent Jesus Christ in that manner.  There ought to be a difference between what "the world" does and what a Christian does.  The bible says "come out from among them and be ye separate".  It also says "No man can serve two masters, either he love the one and hate the other...".  It also says, "if ye love me(Jesus)keep my commandments".  

    The bottom line is.....a TRUE christian knows the word of God and lives by it.

    Swinging is an abomination in God's eyes.

  25. no! the bible says one man and one women shall lay together  

  26. nope


    seriously think about it.  you are breaking 2 commandments.  You are coveting your neighbors wife (or husband) and committing adultery.

    while you and your partner may not consider it cheating, religion is pretty cut and dried on adultery.  Adultery is having s*x with someone you aren't married to.  It doesn't say it's alright if you and your partner agree to it.

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