
Would masturbating a lot make you grow shorter than you are expected?

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please tell me the truth




  1. no... it won't  

  2. Absolutely not.  That's just a lie made up by small minded people who think it's morally wrong to m********e.

  3. Masturbation does nothing except make you feel good

  4. no don't worry about it.

    masturbating is actually exercise

  5. There is no way masturbating could affect your height, however often you do it. It's actually very good for your health. This is from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    If you want to know how often is normal - Jackinworld did a survey of its readers and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

    Remember these are averages - some guys m********e more often, some less. Your body will tell you what's right for you. If you're feeling sore or excessively tired then ease off a bit.

  6. Another BS has no effect on your physical stature.

  7. No.  

    Although doing it in excess is not wise.  You have to work out how much is fine based on how your body is behaving.  

    Just let things happen and remember to respect your hand in the morning.

    The worst thing you could do is panic.  

  8. is your mom a christian? ok no it wont make you shorter it makes you stronger cause the musle that makes you *** spazums n thus giveing it a work out

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