
Would media handle story different if abusive cop was white?

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A recent story in South Florida shows a white quadriplegic on police video getting dumped out of his wheel chair on the floor for no apparent reason by a black police officer while other black officers stood around and looked on. Before you start calling me a racist yes bad white cops ,bad black cops, but seems like the white cops get alott more coverage.




  1. Right, it's really not a race issue. Maybe overall, there are more white police officers than black, so therefore of course it would appear that white officers get more coverage. But you are right about one thing; the media does cover different races in certain ways at times; like you never stop hearing about the missing privileged white women, but barely and rarely hear about the cases of missing minority women.

  2. Why should they a cop is a cop just as a person is a person until proven otherwise..all this white /black whatever color we forget about the one thing that we all are before we see the color of our skin is the FACT we are a PERSON we sometimes forget that and fall into that so the answer well ask the candidates we have for the president or ask yourself this what if you woke up tomorrow a different Color of skin tomorrow  GOD forbid some people would say .I d be Thankful just to wake up and BE alive..what about the white cop that was laughing  its no joking matter..

  3. Oh please..why is this a race issue?

    The cops were complete a**holes and all of them should be prosecuted. Doesn't matter what color they are!!

    They were all standing around doing nothing while this poor helpless man was literally dumped onto the floor!!

    But you bet your a$$ if the victim was black and the cops were white Al Sharpton and his sh*t stirring posse would be all over it!

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