
Would medium brown hair look weird with.......?

by Guest65218  |  earlier

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black dyed at the tips.

or should i go with bergundy reddishh at the tips on my hairrr??

... i think black would look cooool




  1. If you were to do tips I wouldn't do a pure black, but I would do a dark, chestnut brown. I think that would look better

  2. your hair is pretty just the way is is..but if you think black tips would be cool then do it black . Make yourself happy. The better you feel about yourself the better you feel period. You can't go wrong with either.

    Both sound cool.

  3. I think the black would look nice. It would give your hair "an edge". Totally awesome punk rocker chick. Go for it!  

  4. I think the black would look pretty sweet actually.

    I've never seen that either, very original.

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