
Would my build help me in martial art's?

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I am about 5,8 I weigh 120 pound's I am not to strong but I am able to move my leg's in a fast motion for a limited time.




  1. In general your build wouldn't really help you. I have to say. But it wouldn't hurt you either.

    Moving your legs fast for a short period of time doesn't really help for martial arts applications. Martial artists train for endurance. Meaning, being able to kick hard and fast for longer periods of time. As long as it takes to defend yourself slash win the fight.

    You're a little on the small side, but that shouldn't hinder you too much. After all, the martial arts were created so that a smaller man with training could overcome the bigger stronger man.

  2. As a JuJitsuan, my answer is a very firm yes..

    The top 10 JuJitsuan's at my club are all under 6 ft..

    I'd say about half are very lean and half are quite stocky..

    JuJitsu especially is a martial art that does not require height at all - and we often say the best build is short and stocky.. Although you may not be stocky, your height would advantage you with A LOT of the moves we do..

    You do need quite a lot of strength with JuJitsu, but what I have found is that I have become very strong in a very short amount of time (although I don't look big or muscley)..

    This is the same with a lot of martial arts, it will build your core strength very quickly, which is exactly the kind of strength you need with martial arts.. muscles may look good but the strength in your arm or leg muscles would be nothing compared to someone with very tough core strength..

    If you are considering doing a martial art, but are worried about your strength - i would recommend doing sit ups or going for runs (don't bother with weight lifting unless you do very low weights with high repititions)..

    It really depends on what martial art you are doing - but with JuJitsu, Aikido etc. shorter people are often advantaged..

    You being able to move your leg's in a fast motion would advantage you in something like boxing - but as you said it's only for a limited time, i'm not too sure..

    I guess this, too, would advantage JuJitsu, Judo and other throwing-based martial arts - as your throws are better quick, sharp and strong!!

    I'm probably being a bit biased but I'd say JuJitsu would be a very good martial art for your build..

    If you aren't into that then i'd try something like muay thai!! My friend does it and it sounds like he's got the same build as you - and he reckon's he's the perfect build for it.. :)

    Hope this helped.. :)

  3. I was about your size when I was in TKD. Your priority would be to learn to use your lack of size as an advantage. You could make yourself into a very small target. Develop your quickness, make yourself elusive. You could be very good, from a defensive standpoint. Use your speed, and openings will present themselves.

  4. Well, hey, you can. Olympic-style Taekwondo is your best choice since you're pretty tall for the lightest weight division, the Fin weight category(under 120 lbs.). Many guys I know who compete in International tournaments and local championships are smaller than you. You have a reach advantage over them and it's very rare that a 5'8" guy fighting in a Fin weight division. Usually, Fin weights are of an average 5'3" to 5'5", so your height is really a big advantage. I bet you're also limber because of your slender build. Try taking up this sport,man.

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