
Would my conditions make me angry?

by Guest33204  |  earlier

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I suffer from depression, anxiety, ocd and add. Anyways this doesnt happen every day but I notice I get in moments where im really mad and nothing positive will help me. I end being hatefull and rude sometimes. Then when I finally snap out of it I feel so bad for being mean and such.

So I was just wondering if anyone else is also like this with any of these conditions?

Also having these conditions do they do that to you?

does anyone have any tips for me?

thanks for reading I appreciate it. =)




  1. I have 2 min to answer this q, so here goes:

    Your anger towards others is really an outcome of your anger towards yourself. Pretty much, depresssion (and I've had bouts of it) is about not being happy with yourself, what you are doing in life, where you're going, you're worried nothings going to turn out, you're just scared.

    What happens is that you get angry at yourself - everyone else is happy and having a great life, what about me? Why can't everything be cool with me? Why can't I be normal? Why can't I just decide?

    So you do inject the anger inward - by being socially inactive, by being depressed, by having fogged brain, by not caring and not bothering. And then what happens is it turns into a cycle and you get more angry at yourself, why can't you snap out of it??

    Ok, it's h**l difficult, but you've got to get it out one step at a time.

    First, do something positive for yourself every day. And make a mention of it. If its calling a friend, putting the music loud and dancing, going to a movie, doing the laundry bc your room stinks bc you haven't done it in 3 weeks (!), And you've got to just do it.

    Then think of something nice you can do for someone ELSE every day. Your world will only turn bright and meaningful when you feel worth it and responsible.

    The anger will go once you start taking responsability, start caring about yourself and caring about others. But first, you HAVE to care for yourself. Don't just be ritualistic. ou hav a passion? Go for it! Make your room a nice place to live. Give yourself a massage/ take care of your body.

    Slowly, the anger will disappear

  2. Yes, the depression and anxiety can make you lash out because when you have them, you don't think logically sometimes.  Your brain doesn't process things normally.  Just recognize when you begin to be angry and try to calm yourself down before you act on your anger.  Some of the anger from these disorders is from being angry at yourself as well, so when you go to your shrink, let them know and they can work on that with you.  If you don't have a shrink with that many disorders, get one.  Psychologist, not a psychiatrist.

  3. this is normal for a person with all of those things going on for them

    i don't have as much stuff to deal with as you do, but because of a certain medication that i am on, i have mood swings like that too. the first thing to do is realize when you are in a bad mood like that, then learn a good way to let it out that will not hurt anyone

    when i was at school, i would search through my bag until i found an old paper that i didn't need anymore, and on the back of it i would doodle for a minute of the things that are irritating, and then i would tear it up and throw it away

    it sounds stupid and like one of those meditation things, but it really does work most of the time, and if it doesn't then, just walk off by yourself for a minute to get your thoughts straight

    good luck!!! i know that it is hard

  4. me too the same except ptsd instead of Add Better to get mad then hold it in repressin the rage is physically painful. As for what helps i like violent video games warcraft my current addiction and basging neo cons on this site as i a safe of venting. Was on meds for awhile helped a little with the rage but caused hallenciation and slept constantly now i dont sleep much at all

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