
Would my cross country training effect anything?

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I'm doing xc this year, and the past week we've been training 5 times a week for two hours. I really like it, but i was supposed to start my period a few days ago. I've heard this is totally normal, is that true?




  1. yeah, its normal. i run cross country, too, and it alwys screws up my period. there was even a month where it just didnt come. but yeah, exercise screws it up. its okay though, you're still healthy.

  2. yes I have heard that women who are very physically active will not have a period

  3. it happens to me, kind of, except my periods are more irregular, not necessarily late. sometimes they're late, but sometimes not.  

  4. yes sometimes when you start exercising more it can be late

  5. I wouldn't think it would have anything to do with your period, but maybe your body isn't used to this work out. Or you could be pregnant.  

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