
Would my landlord insurance cover?

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I had a mentally ill woman rent a house from me-I didnt know she had OCD until I saw all of the (hundreds) of plastic bags filled with bizarre garbage that she started bringing in. Long story, she called code enforcement and they found some relatively minor problems (they always find something) but they also wrote her up for the living conditions that she was living in (couldnt walk there was so much c**p)...long story. She moved out but only after she went to the emergency room with histrionic complaints now she is suing me for her medical and moving expenses. I have an attorney and a countersuit, but if I lose (which I cannot imagine), could I file an insurance claim for the liability.




  1. Nope, once you lose in court, it's too late to submit the claim.

    The time to present the claim is NOW.  You MUST give your insurance company the opportunity to defend you.  Which means, that you have to use THEIR attorney, for the defense part.  Although they might be willing to let your guy do it, instead, as he's already involved.

    I have no idea how her medical expenses are your fault (lol, probably neither do you) but bodily injury IS covered under landlord liability.

    Turn this claim in to your insurance company right now.  Oh, and have a talk with your attorney, as HE should have advised that from the beginning.  If your company defends you, that means there is coverage under your policy, and they'll pay any judgement up to the liability limit.

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