
Would my relationship last? my bf cheated on me with his wife. we were living together at the time.?

by Guest66988  |  earlier

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he would go see his kids and they would have s*x. i have forgiven him and everything is fine with us now. will this relationship last. i can forgive him for anything.




  1. Is he still married?????  If he is then shouldn't it be that your bf cheated on his wife with you.  Sounds like a total loser.  He cheated on his wife, he will cheat on you.

  2. It won't work because he still has feelings for his wife.  Is it his ex or current wife?  If they are still married, there is a good chance they will end up back together.  How can you ever trust him to see his kids now that you know they had s*x?  

    I was in your situation and the guy I was living with was begging his wife to take him back while living with me. I finally moved out and then he ended up going home again. It sucks because I know how much you want to believe that he is going to be faithful to you.  I don't know what to tell you though.  

  3. as long as you forgive him he will keep doing it so no it won't last when you are tired of being put 2nd

  4. You are SO STUPID!  your BF cheated on you with his WIFE?  I think you are the cheater to be with someone who is STILL MARRIED!  HELLO?

    You are doomed & the guy is having his cake & eating it too!

    Stay with him & continue to get cheated on over & over & over again!

  5. this man already has a wife, u can forgive if u want but forgiving isn't the issue here, its about being with someone Else's hubby.he will continue to go back and forth with his wife.

  6. he cheated on you with his wife , so he cheated on her with you ? pardon me for pointing this out to you but it sounds like  your dating a married man,is that gonna last? chances are..... probably not.  

  7. Probably not. It's okay though, he doesn't really sound like a keeper....

  8. he cheated on YOU with his WIFE, i don't get it. i don't think the relationship will last because...HE'S MARRIED. find someone single and move on!

  9. If you can forgive him for anything..why would he be doing EVERYTHING to need forgiveness..It all comes down to if you like the way a welcome mat feels.

  10. To start with he didn't cheat on you. If he is still married to her, then he is cheating on her by living with you. The first thing you need to ask yourself is why you will forgive anything he does. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE deserves that kind of commitment. You need to put yourself first and stop being his doormat. He did it to her and chances are good he will do it to you. In a way he already has. He made a promise to you and went back on it by returning to her for affection. You were the other woman honey and that is all you will ever be no matter what he says. I know that hurts but it is the truth. You are worth more and you deserve more than what he is giving you. You need to let him go before he hurts you again. Be a woman stand up for yourself and for what is right. Next time make sure the man you want to date does not have a wife in the wing somwhere. Refuse to date him untill the divorce is final. It will save you heartache and it will save his children the same.  

  11. YOU ARE A FOOL, he is only using you as a tool.  get rid of him before you have kids by him.

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