
Would one explain that the universe is a vast expanse full of unlikely probability and phenomenon like...?

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atoms “accidentally” colliding and creating covalent or ionic bonds? Or is the universe created by some being covert to us, and if “it” created more species, others. If so physically speaking, is that being in another dimension, universe, or heaven (whatever YOU shall describe that to be)?




  1. What a great question & I can only add that I think the Universe has always existed & always will. Whether it was created by another god or whatever one might never know, but as long as we strive & continue to ask the question is what is important !

  2. Atoms didn't "accidentally" collide to create covalent or ionic bonds. Bonds occur naturally. Take a chemistry class. Or a class in cosmology. Our universe is defined by cosmology as expanding into a higher dimension. Nothing "created the universe" It's a naturally occurring phenomenon, most of which (including the creation of life) can be described by science or eventually answered by research. As for the "unlikely probability" the answer to that lies in Quantum Mechanics.

  3. Universe, by definition, is everything there is. If there is a dimension, it is within the universe. If there is a being creating the universe, it is within it. That cannot be correct, since the universe (as it is everything) includes parts that have never been created ("always" existed). Creation is a concept that depends on time, but time is just on object in the universe. Every configuration, even worlds having been created by supreme forces, do exist somewhere in the universe, but the whole universe itself cannot have been created and we might be living in a part of it from where we do or not have access to other, more interesting parts of it, so you might never be able to prove the existence of such being, even if it did exist.

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