
Would our lifestyle be improved if slavery had never been abolished?

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Would our lifestyle be improved if slavery had never been abolished?




  1. it depends who you are not if your the slave

  2. slavery still exists although some people might think it's's called modern slavery nowadays and it's keep growing because more wealth creates more poverty.

    you could improve your lifestyle by becoming first creating awareness, self sufficient and stop buying products from cheap labour like blood diamonds which are polished by underpaid oppressed people...

  3. I would have to agree with Hmmm and Spotty on this one...slavery has changed it's clothes not it's body. No matter how you look at it...someone is always at the bottom...

  4. Not for long. Once technology reaches a certain point, forced manual labor becomes too costly to maintan with no real benefit. Once we switch to an information based economy, slavery becomes obsolete. By definition, slavery is only good for labor....not science of information. Technology has eliminated the need for slavery everywhere it has flourished. However, I suppose if you lived in a third world country with lots of land to farm, you could benefit...

  5. You can't be for real.  Thank God for Abraham Lincoln.

  6. doubt it.

  7. I cannot see how anyone could possibly ask this.  Think what labour slaves do.  They do hard dangerous low-skilled manual labour.   Each slaves economic output per day is a fraction of that what a skilled factory labourer creates An advanced industrial society moves away from this or it does not grow.  The south was becoming increasingly economically marginalized before the civil war. Sure the mansions were elaborate and beautiful but there was little real wealth being created.

  8. is this supposed to be one of those questions that are asked to merely get a rise out of's not even worth my time to answer's disgusting

  9. For those that benefitted from slavery, their lives would have been better, maybe; due to the fact that they can build a business or be lazy on cheap labor.  Would America play a big roll in world politics, probably not being that the politics involved with not abolishing slavery would have broken this country up and the rest of the first world nations would have looked down on America.

  10. Slavery isn't abolished.

    Ask the workers who toil all day in factories and  fields for minimum wage while rich lazy selfish liars and crooks live like kings and queens.

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