
Would pay to get someone to clean/ sort out your house?

by Guest55890  |  earlier

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The first question is if you would pay.

If yes,

2. How much would you pay max.?

3. What area(s) of the house would you want them to clean?

4. What parts(s) of the house would be a no go area?

5. Would you like the cleaner to be accompanied by you?

6. And finally, would it have to be a one day clean/ a spring cleaning week?

7. Please include any additional notices that you may have in mind.

Thank you, to those who spend the time to answer.




  1. I am already doing this.

    l.   I am paying £6. per hour.

    2.  I wanted my kitchen, bathroom ,back bedroom  and lounge cleaned.  Doors and windows washed.  Carpets thoroug hly cleaned  and aired.

    3.  My  own bedroom would be a no go area.

    4.  I would like the cleaner to be accompanied by me  to begin with till I was confident   that she was honest.

    5. A spring cleaning week as the school holidays are to start soon.

    6. I would ensure that she uses neat cleaners for the first day and also to use a lot of disinfectants ...good quality polishes and then perfumed candles to make the place smell nice...with fresh flowers in all rooms excepting bedrooms.

  2. 1. Yes

    2. 6.50-7.50 an hr

    3. the kitchen, restroom and living room

    4. my bedroom

    5. no day clean

  3. 1) Yes

    2)20-25 per hour

    3) Basement

    4Master bedroom


    6)Spring cleaning

  4. 1...yes

    2...$50 wk max, living room, bathroom


    5...till I get to know and trust them yes

    6...1 day a week, (about 2 hours worth of work)

    7...I'd just like the basics done, wash floors, scrub the tub, vacuum, wash counters, things like that.. just the "finishing touches" of house work is all I'd request.

  5. yes I would and have paid in the past

    I paid about 7.50 an hour

    As much as possible

    No - no go areas

    Initially until I got to know and trust them

    It was weekly

    If you are looking to go into this business and employ help you need to have 100% cconfidence in your staff, I have heard too many horror stories of jewellery, clothes etc going missing

    Good luck

  6. i would pay about £30, for a cleaner to come in twice a week. mainly cleaning kitchen and bathroom.

    nowhere would be no go - whats the point in paying someone to only clean part of your house?

    they'll be fine on their own, i would probably keep my valuables hidden though.

    i may ask them to iron occasionally.

    but i'm alright doing it on my own at the moment :D

  7. 1. y

    2. £150

    3. All, smll flat

    4. none

    5. no day


  8. Right now.. LOL

    because I am far behind on my cleaning.. It would take a week.  Yes I would pay.  I dont know the max dollars I would pay out-..  Let them clean everything, Im not picky.  No I would not accompany them.

    Actually, I hate cleaning,  Your hired.. come and do it please..

  9. 1.YES

    2.300.00 U.S.




    6.The latter

    7.Caucasian applicants only please.

    you're welcome

  10. 1.  No, I'm a tidy person.

    2.  My mother pays at least $50 per visit (usually once a week).  If there was a party she pays her more.

    3.  Every room is cleaned.

    4.  Her closet.  She won't even let me in there by myself.

    5.  That's rude and classless.  You don't watch your plumber fix your toilet why would you follow your maid around?

    6.  I don't do spring cleaning...

    7.  Have them declare their own salary during the interview.  Some are willing to work for less.

    EDIT:  I am shocked that so many people are paying so little for cleaning service!  Where do you people live?!

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