
Would people pay to have a 13 yr old fix or build them a new computer? If yes, then how much?

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I may not be qualified, but I can surely do the job! Why do people always undermine young smart people...




  1. If you can really do the job, then yes there are people that would pay you to do it.  As for the cost...depends on on the job, how much time you spend doing it.  On average the large elelctronic chains charge about $65.00 an hour or so.  Of course to get business you want to undercut them.

  2. Well, I personally wouldn't trust a 13 year old to build a computer for me, unless I really knew them.  I'd figure the thirteen year old's best bet would be to see if any relatives need a computer.

    As for the price...I'd add on a small commission per part and a fixed price for building it.  Just make sure that the total price isn't over what they could get at a place like Dell or HP.

  3. $1000

  4. Absolutley not. I can pay people for things they are qualified to do!

  5. No, I wouldn't.  I wouldn't let a 13 year old build me a PC or "fix" mine for free, not to mention pay for it.

    You admitted you weren't qualified.  People, or at least people with common sense want to go to someone that has tenure and experience, and some maturity.

  6. Well,

    Some 13 year olds are BRILLIANT.

    Bellow is a video of an 8-year old playing guitar. Now tell me if you would pay him for lessons... I would.

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