My favorite names are
But everytime I mention any of those people are like "Jane? really?" Or "you can't name your kid Melisende, it's too wierd" or "Capella-Crapella" or Sybil is no good because it makes people think of that movie with the woman who had multiple personalities, or that they sound like pet names.
I honestly think that all kids get teased. You just have to teach your kids how to deal with it, and not put up with that c**p. If they don't get teased for having a strange name, then they will get teased for wearing glasses, or having freckles, or being too fat, too thin, too tall or too skinnny.
I don't think we should forsake all of these nice older/uncommon names just because some other persons rat-faced little brat wants to be a jerk. Soon we'll be genetically engineering kids so that they have perfect un-mockable physical characteristics as well.
And then they go an suggest something like Madison, or McKensie for girls which are surnames that mean "SON of..." or some weird unpronouncable spelling. Why do people think their kids are not going to get teased for something like that?
Don't you think we're all being a bit silly by not picking a name, or ridiculing another person's kids name, just because the other kids MIGHT not like it?