
Would people trust me to exersise their horse?

by  |  earlier

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I have been riding for 6 years now and i consider myself fairly experienced...

i don't know how these things usually work because i don't have a horse myself, but do you think i am experienced enough to hack someone's horse for them while they were on vacation or something?




  1. well you should talk to them and let them know your expreince in my eyes i like to talk and see them in action and with horse will caring for them to make sure but yes 6 years is enough to exercise and take care of someone eles horses just

  2. I think it really depends on the person. But just because you have been riding for 6 years doesn't mean you know a whole lot about horses, you didn't say how much you know or what you've done. A lot of people won't let anyone touch there horses, some people don't care at all, and a lot want to look at who it is. So i think it depends on your experience, the horse and the owners.

  3. I would defentely trust you to exercise my horse if i had one but my trainer will let poeple exercise her horses even when they only have a year or two experience depending on how  they act around horses


    I hve 6 you can take care of. =]

    sorry for the caps

  5. it depends on how good you are. if you are well accomplished (placing in the top of your classes at shows, riding for a trainer, etc) yes you can most likely hack for someone. you might also just ride with a trainer for awhile and then they might ask you to ride for them.

  6. It depened on the horse and the owner.

    Some don't care how well you can ride just as long as the horse gets out and ridden.

    I on the other hand never let anyone ride my horse other then me. thats an easy way for a horse to pick up a bad habit from someone else.

  7. Depends on the person. My trainer lets people with less experience work her horses for her when she needs it.

    I dont let anyone on my horse unless I have seen how they act around other horses for a long time. I allow very few people on my horse. I trust him not to be stupid or act up with other people. I just dont want him being ridden badly by anyone though and the number of years riding means next to nothing to me. I have put my COMPLETE beginner friend on him out on his galloping trail cause I new she hadnt developed bad habits like hard hands, constantly kicking or being overly rough. They both rode fine. I would not however allow a girl at my barn who has been riding for 5-6 years because I dont like how she handles her own horse.

    Whenever I travel, I cut back on Jazz's feed and let him hang out in the pasture. It is easier to get him back into work than to work on any problems he might pick up from a poor rider,

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