
Would people who immigrated to other countries change over time, because of there diffrent enviroment?

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Sometimes, new species or varieties arise in a matter of years or even days. Other times, species remain stable for long periods, showing little or no evolutionary change. However, the characteristics of organisms that reproduce every few hours, such as bacteria, can potentially evolve much faster than in organisms with generations that are measured in months or years, such as horses.

So it actually depends on what type of organism.

How long would it take for a human?




  1. younger ppl usually do..

  2. Yes, it can happen and it has.

    A good example is the Incas who lived high in the Andes. they had no problem breathing in the thin mountain air. Having lived there for several generations they adapted to the thinner air. But the Spainiards who invaded them did not adapt and so were impotent for the lack of oxygen. That kind of change takes a few years to happen.

    Sherpas are also acclimated to high altitudes that others aren't, and when you climb Mt Everest you will have to remain in Base Camp for several months first so your body can get used to breathing less oxygen in the mountain air. This change can take place in months.

    Another example is how people went from black skin color to white over time, perhaps 1000 years as they migrated from sunny climates to colder northern climates. Their hair and skin lightened so they would absorb more solar radiation and create vitimin D in the much less sunny north. This evolution took place over hundreds of years.

  3. yes, moving to scotland from just wales changed me completely h**l, i even got a decent education :D yeehaw!

  4. lol, that's not the current theory of evolution, bubba XD DNA does not change (excluding mutations) but I think the only change that would occur is a tan if you move to barbados :-P

  5. It would take a very long time but yes it is possible.  More rapid change would come from interbreeding with the human populations already there.

  6. some people adapt quicker than others

    some cant adjust at all and go into post natal depression and kill all her children like the srilankan woman on the news

  7. Yes - people's views will change, their diets and habits will change, their skin colour and diet will change - and their accent will definitely change!

  8. if by change you meen evolution then no, evolution occurs over millions of years and is caused when an accidental mutation in DNA proves to be useful, the organisms with the mutation survive more often than the ones with out, reproduce passing this mutation down the line

  9. Yes, we absorb influences - even if unconsciously - and adapt to environments even if moving within our own culture and country. A lot of the histories of cultures that even conquered other countries end with the outsiders being absorbed within the host culture. The Danes and Gemanic tribes that invaded England in the dark ages became absorbed into the ango-saxon culture which in turn absorbed the Normans that later invaded. It doesn't mean that people who emigrate forget their roots and own culture - the anglo-saxon Australians take immense pride in descending from Anglo stock - but they've adapted to form their own identity. The same happened with the Vikings (Rus) that essentially founded Russia and so on.

  10. Having lived in Germany for many yearsi can say that when i was there my skin was always a golden colour ,i ate a German diet and was never healthier in my life ,learnt their language so of course my english accent changed from not talking to other english people for ages.Also my taste buds changed so when i came back there  were a lot of things i used to like but no longer did.

    Birds have a different sound in other countries , and indeed in differentparts of the country .Some are known to mimic the sounds they hear around them.

    People do evolve , you only have to look at those who invaded America or Australia yonks ago to see the differences in attitudes , food ,colour etc All species evolve to suit the environment that they are in

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