
Would police need evidence to arrest me?

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Hypothetically, if I hit my Mom and she called the cops but there was no mark, would I be arrested? What would be the charges for a 16 year old in Florida? How long would the juvi time be? Fine? Probation? Other? Sources?




  1. There would be evidence - your Moms statement to the police would be the evidence. As a 16 year old, in Florida, you could be charged as an adult.

    Hitting someone is battery, which is a misdemeanor of the first degree. The maximum penalty is one year.

    If you leave a mark, or use a weapon (Even a rolled up newspaper or a whiffle bat) it is aggravated battery, or if you have any prior conviction for a violent crime - assault and/or battery - then it becomes a felony of the third degree, which carries up to three years.


  2. <<< An aggravated assault charge on your record and you can kiss college good by  >>>

    Is this really the kind of question asked by someone who has college in their future?

  3. An aggravated assault charge on your record and you can kiss college good by  

  4. Hypothetically, all that is needed is a complaint.  The chages would be assault and battery.  The punishment would depend on the severity of the hit.

  5. No. They need EVIDENCE to convict you....

    They only need suspicion to arrest you.

  6. What comes around goes around a*****e. I hope some big nasty dirty mo fu kicks your *** for hitting your mother you piece of ****.

  7. The police doesn't need evidence to arrest you. With evidence they will. Based on a complaint, it's up to them to decide whether or not to arrest you. It's a wide gray zone there...

    The idea is that they have to evaluate the situation and see if the case merits an arrest. Lately, they always end up doing the arrest.

    In most jurisdictions, the police has a limited time frame to raise the case to the prosecution and then it's up to the legal system.

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