
Would "modified limited hangout" have been a risk, hopefully slight, for Collins submarine project ?

by  |  earlier

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Oberon system for some reason is not frozen.

Bugs get to introduced into the Oberon system. (Some one decides to "gold-plate" the Oberon system, and "accidentally" introduces bugs)

Staff are asked by their masters "There seem to be one or two bugs, is this all right to transport to the Collins system ?"

(There would likely have been some overlap in functionality between Oberon and Collins, so it would make sense to be trying to port functionality that worked from Oberon to Collins)

"Modified limited hangout" occurs :- Staff mention to their masters that there are one or two hiccups with Oberon, but these are in parts of the Oberon system that won't need to be ported to Collins. Attention is deflected from the fact that there may be bugs in an Oberon subsystem which indicate a lack of readiness to port that subsystem to Collins.

Why would this matter ? In the scenario indicated, zero effort is being directed at remedying the problem. 100% of effort is going into spin.




  1. maybe you should re-post the question in SF in order to get the answer you are looking for.

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