
Would raising taxes eventually be helpfull to the country?

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I mean, with increased revenue we could begin paying down the debt racked up by Bush and start investing in America's children with more educational programs, etc.

This is, of course, assuming the government will spend you tax money correctly. But if they did, would you willingly give up a little extra money to insure a better future?






  1. Exactly. I wish more people would understand that! :)

    But then again, I'm not even old enough to pay taxes...

    I would have to say that a lot depends on the government actually spending that money wisely. Some government spending at the moment is ridiculous.

  2. Raising tax revenue would be.

    It is the goal of both the D and R to raise revenue.  They just have different methods.

    The government is in debt and we need to pay it off so that future generatons do not suffer from our failings.

    Stop the Shot-Gun Wedding

  3. Why do you assume that tax increases lead to greater revenues?  Have you been paying attention to the tax statistics?  The Bush tax cuts have resulted in $100s of billions in additional tax receipts.  

    I always wonder why are Dems so dense and uninformed when it comes to taxes?

    Congress spends the money, so ask them why they run up deficits like they do, knowing full well that we do not have the funds to pay for their excess.

    I pay enough taxes as it is and government wastes it.  It is time for Congress to start acting responsibly (we can all dream, right?) and stop spending money they do not have (make it a law, because spending caps mean nothing to Congress).

  4. Nopewe could cut the over spending... Cut spending and the debt goes away...

  5. Man the polyticians just love people like you   I spelled it rite

  6. If the Palin clan keeps spittin out babies, I dont think they will care what happens to America

  7. Never in American history has raising taxes been good for the ecconomy.

    When Clinton left office, we were almost to the point of a recession.

  8. It would just give more power to the government over our lives.  

  9. "I mean, with increased revenue we could begin paying down the debt racked up by Bush and start investing in America's children..."

    Key word there is COULD. We wouldn't--or perhaps more accurately, Congress wouldn't.

    And even hypothetically, no. it is better to give tax cut sot small businesses, so they can be successful, employ people, and other people can buy their products.

    In the end, the easiest way to give people enough money to do what they want to do---IS TO GIVE THEM MOENY TO DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO. not tell them what they need and allow people to leech of society.

  10. Our government is so wasteful in it's appropriations there is no way you could ever consider them spending wisely.  most of our tax money is used to support 'back scratching" programs. (You vote to get my bill through and I'll back yours).  Ethical practices are foreign to congress.  Most owe someone for helping them get elected.  Most spend their time in office paying back the people who helped them get into office.

    If we could get rid of the entire congress and start over with absolutely NO lawyers, we might have a chance.  For now the best we can hope for is a cut back on the useless spending practices.  Our debt would shrink at record rate.  

  11. Raising taxes doesn't work.  When people have to pay more taxes, there is less money to be spent on the economy and everyone is then hurt by higher prices.  What needs to happen is a flat tax where everyone pays into the system.  Right now, only half the people even pay taxes.

    Just a point of order for you.  It's not Bush that writes the bills on spending.  You can thank the congress for that.  It is his fault that he signed the bills, but congress wrote them and passed them and it is run by the democrats.

  12. No.

    Other than paying down the debt, which is so high precisely because we can't assume the government will ever spend tax money correctly.

    And even if we make that assumption, who gets to decide what correct means? Will a pro-lifer ever think it's correct for tax dollars to fund abortions under a universal healthcare system? Will a creationist ever think it's correct to ignore any mention of creation in the schools?

    I'm all for giving up a little extra money for a better future. I just prefer to do it thorough choice: by donating to the causes and concerns that best suit my world view.

    Keep the government out of my wallet. The more we do that, the better we'll be.


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