
Would sand harden in a mud pile. Would it absorb water from an area that is constantly wet?

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Would sand harden in a mud pile. Would it absorb water from an area that is constantly wet?




  1. The answer to the first part of your question is, no, sand does not harden. and the second part , only dry sand will absorb water and only until it is saturated. so the answer to that too is no.

  2. Two possible solutions.

    Is the water coming through the ground or is it due to the lie of the land so you have a dip in the land.

    If through the ground you need a field drain piped of to lower ground, stream or stormdrains.

    If a dip you need to fit a small sump and pipe if off same as the field drian.

    Sand will only cause it to turn to slush.

    It is one of those jobs that is more time consuming than anything else.

    Sugest you get a plumber/drainlayer to look at it. Yes you will need to pay for his time but just get advice at this stage.

    It could be $100 worth of good information so you can make an informed decision as to what you do next.

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