
Would saying tomboy to 5th grade kids be inappropriate?

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Well my brother is writing a paper, and he is describing a person who is tomboy-ish... would it be a bad word?




  1. no, not at all its a description if it offends the person than maybe he can find a diff. word but i don't think its inappropriate at all.

  2. I've never considered "tomboy" to be a bad word.

  3. how is that bad its a girl who acts like a boy...

  4. Use it. It's not a bad word.

  5. no, not at all, use it all you want.

  6. No. When you are a tomboy, you are just playing the games that the boys play.  Also you might be dressing in "un-girly" attire.  Being a tomboy is simply not being a "girly-girl".  There isn't anything wrong with it, but why is wyou brother writing a paper about tomboys?!?

  7. lol

    why??? i was a tomboy, my daughters all 3 are tomboys

    a tomboy is a tomboy arent they? Has the meaning of the word changed!??

  8. No that is not a "bad" word, but if he is describing a classmate they might get offended!

  9. nahh

  10. Noooo

    I was called a tomboy way back when.

    And I really didn't care because that was who I am.


  11. no

  12. i don't think you should say they are a tomboy because i knew some girls that acted that way but are now the most girly girls i know so yeah not sure you should say that just say what they do to act as a tomboy

  13. No way. When I was in fifth grade people were using cuss words every other word and talking about s*x.

  14. naaaaahhh..

    well..@ least 2 me it's not..I used 2 hav people callin me tomboy n I never actually felt anything of some sort..

    So..I'll say..

    It's OK


  15. no its not a bad word

  16. I don't understand why it would be.... is it slang for something else nowadays?

  17. not at all, tomboy is just a word that means by defonition a girl who behaves in a manner usually considered boyish. its not a bad word at all, so dont worry :-)

  18. no it is just a descriptive word almost an adjective I guess you could say. There is nothing bad about unless that person doesn't wan't to be called a tomboy.

  19. I don't know for sure but I assume that it would be okay. I mean it's just a story right?

  20. Why shouldn't he? It only means that a girl isn't really 'girly' and doesn't love short skirts and make-up.

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