
Would sending a friend the remains of my recently removed bellybutton be appropriate way of saying "thanks"?

by  |  earlier

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I just think a thank you card only says one thing, and it is "thank you." I want to send him something special for being a really good friend.




  1. Who wouldn't want that? Send the used gauze along, too. Nothing says "Thanks, Jacky" like an old dried out navel and some stinky, crusty bandages.

  2. Patrick.. good to hear you have survived the vasectomy... sounds like they might have slipped a little with the scalpel there though... most dudes aren't hung like a stud bull I suppose and they prolly got a little overly enthusiastic...

    Anyway... just smear a little vegemite on that crusty ol belly button.. and it will be completely irresistible (especially to Jack ~ that man loves vegemite).


    thats GROSS

    lol... hope they have a really good sense of humor

  4. A recently removed belly button, eh?  Well, I think that it might make a really cool paper weight, especially if it were bronzed, the way they used to do old baby shoes, you know?  Send it away, I am curious to see it, lol.  ;)

  5. I don't know, but I think a picture lasts longer, doesn't it?

  6. Haha that is sick..but I think you should send it right away...ha ha

  7. Patrick!! behave!

    I just KNOW that "belly button" is a euphemism for something else!!

    now STOP THAT!

    *rolls eyes

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