
Would she become my adopted mother?

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I am a high school student, my parents died 2 years ago and I have been living with my older brother ever since (he's 22) Now he wants to go to college and for the next couple of years I would be living with my friend and her mom. Would she have to become my adopted mother?




  1. Aww :( I'm so sorry to hear that :( If she was given legal guardianship then I guess so.

  2. No, at your age you don't have to be adopet out.  She would just be your interim guardian.  Your mom would be your mom forever.

    Take care of yourself.

  3. Your brother could give her temporary guardianship to this nice lady that way he still has guardianship of you and if things didn't work out you could go back to your brother. If I was you I would ask everybody what they thought and go with it. If he puts a date on it then when the date expires then your brother goes back to be your legal guardianship

  4. No, she does not have to adopt you.  But, it would be in everyone's best interest if she obtains legal guardianship so that she can make necessary decisions that a parent would be required to make, such as consent to certain medical care.  For example, if you are gravely injured and cannot speak for yourself, she would need to be able to consent to care.

    Also, if she obtains legal guardianship, you would be included in any  group medical insurance she has that covers family members, even though you would not actually be her legal child.

    She should contact a family law attorney go complete the proper channels to make this happen, and to find out all of the rights this gives her in being able to protect your needs.

  5. No  she would be your guardian. Your mom is always going to be our mom no one can take that away. Thank goodness for your brother these last couple of years I know it hasn't been easy for either of you. And also be thankful that your friends mom is going to bring you into their family. You are truly blessed to have a brother and friends to help look after you. God bless and good luck.

  6. No, she doesn't have to adopt you. It is just a matter of legal guardianship.

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