
Would snake bites (piercing) look good on me?

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Would snake bites (piercing) look good on me?

Here a pic of what I look like, it’s a year old but whatever. Do you think snake bites would look good on me? Eyebrow piercing? Possibly tongue? I’m trying to figure out what I want to get. Thanks for your input! =]

(And yes, I realize I put this in tattoos, but I had no idea what catagory to put it in, so I thought it was the closet thing.)




  1. Well no offense but since

    you took this pic at the retarted "emo" angle

    you look like your trying too hard, so in my

    opinion a piercing would just make it look like your

    trying too hard

    but if you reallt want one

    go for something that cant be seen

    like a tounge, a smiley, a frowny or something like that

    your cheeks would also be pretty cute without looking like your trying to fit into a mold.

    ive had all the ones i listed above and i loved them and they didnt hurt much

    good luck

  2. No

  3. As interesting as some small tattoos are, I suggest none, especially nothing to do with snakes. Body piercing? No, no, no! Why do you want to suggest you are in pain all the time? That's my's your choice.

  4. People who do that stuff are advertising to the world that they are insecure about their looks. They think some how that it is cool, but what they ae really saying is "I think that I'm ugly, but before you get a chance to say anything I'm going to make myself REALLY ugly just to show that I don't give a phlying phucque what you think. btw I think you are pretty, but what do I know? I've got a vampire tattooed on my left cheek, a wombat on the right one and a cobra etched into my johnson. Looks good, don't it!?    

  5. umm not really...grow your hair out and dye it black..then you will look nice with one =]

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