
Would snakebites and a septum piercing suit me?(pics)?

by  |  earlier

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please dont say not to get them or they are gross or anything

thank you in advanced

if not snakebites and a septum piercing, would my lower lip right side, left side monroe, and a septum look better?





  1. Lips that warm, moist, soft, and full, should never be touched by a piercing that might leave a scar.

    Anything but those lips!  They are a national treasure.  After you die, they will probably put a picture of them on all dollar bills.

  2. Eww,no that would look bad.

  3. I used to have snakebites got rid of them and now i have two ugly scars on my lip so make sure when you do it you leave those lip rings in for forever,

    And you'll look better with a septum, I just got my septum done a couple days ago it hurts, gets sore, but its worth it  

  4. no no no you look pretty dont ruin your face

  5. yeah

    answer mine

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