
Would society be better off without welfare?

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Would society be better off without welfare?




  1. no, but I think welfare should be for the elderly, disabled, unstable, and unaware, not for able bodied people who can work and function normally on an everyday basis and not for those who keep popping out children just to get more. So many people have figured out how to abuse it it's almost laughable and pathetic...

  2. black people would, the welfare system is specifically designed to destroy black men

  3. yes then people would have to actually WORK for what they want!!  

  4. No, because there would still be populations at risk and there would still be disenfranchised people who for various reasons could not take care of themselves....or the children they produce. Then what?? Back to almshouses and prisons for the mentally ill?? That is how it was before "welfare".

    I assume you mean welfare as in money?? What about food stamps?? There are hard working people who qualify for food stamps because they fall below the poverty level. What about the Earned Income Tax Credit many Americans partake in every year when they file their taxes?? That is a welfare program. The Social Security Act was founded upon........"welfare".

    What used to be called AFDC or Aid to Families With Dependant Children is now called TANF or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Temporary means temporary. Most states have imposed a thirty day welfare to work mandate which simply means you better have your self on a job within thirty days or they will pull your measly little 300 dollar check. No more are the days where you can have a dozen children and lay on your couch and collect a check twice a month. Those days are gone. Every human in America has a five year lifetime max which they can draw TANF....that is 60 months and that is it.

    The welfare system had a major overhaul around 1996. Many changes occured and some were good although many domino effects took place. It made states more accountable for the Federal dollars they received for these programs and forced people to be more accountable to themselves....unfortunately there are still people who no matter what they do will never be able to pull themselves up out of their pits.  

    So..back to your question?? No....society without welfare would not be a perfect world it would work but we do not live in a perfect world.  

  5. Welfare eh?  That word is a two edged sword.  Welfare benefits all of society.  I do accept that rampant abuse of the system exists.  Those of our population who protest the welfare system have the responsibility to introduce legislated changes that will provide socially responsible welfare benefits to those among us who have been identified as unable to support their selves.  Severe mental disabilities, severe physical compromises such as cerebral palsy, abandoned children, sebere brain damaged, dependent alzheimers patients, and abandoned children.  Actually, prudent monetary contributions that will provide even minimun care for this population costs much less than institutional care for them.  So, all you critics to the existing system get busy.  Offer an alternative.  Besides euthanasia.  

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