
Would society look down on a relationship like this?

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An 18 year old(me) dating a 42 year old man.




  1. I personally think 42 is much too old for you and you need to try dating guys in their 20s. I think it would be very difficult dating a 42 year old man because he is already set in his ways and will probably not make much effort to change for you. Do you know if he even wants kids? Does he believe in God? What's his debt situation like? Does he have any drug addictions? You need to ask these kinds of questions. Don't make any compromises with him. If you want something in your life and he's not willing to make a change then don't make any compromises with him, just move on. Believe me, it's not worth it being in an unhappy relationship.

  2. people will definitely give you their unsolicited opinion.  but if the relationship is outta love then i say go for it.  although i so find tat hard to believe.  what could you possibly have in common.  what could you talk about?  unless he wants arm candy and she wants security.  even then i say if its agreed upon, then go foe it.  see, i just gave you my unsolicited opinion.  get use to it--it will happen alot.  and oh by the way 'im not a dumb *****'  yes  you are.  what the h**l does that have to be with being black?  ignorant *** ****.  lol.  i know my answer is gonna get deleted now.  but i hope she reads it first.  lol

  3. LMAO!

    That's just nasty!

  4. Of course, hun, and you will get ridiculed and stared at and talked about. It's legal..and there's nothing anyone can say about your relationship.  

  5. Yes because the generation gap is so huge between you both that the only things you could possibly have in common is, s*x, and a father daughter relationship. People are probably looking down at the superficial qualities of your relationship.

    The sad thing is, the younger person involved usually doesn't even realize it until they break up, the younger one grows up and matures, then realizes what was actually happening. It's hard for you to see it when your right in the middle of it.

  6. Man that's like dating your pops

  7. Yes, they would......they would think that you are still a baby and that maybe he is taking advantage of you

    what can a 42 year old possibly want with an 18 year old

    be careful hun

  8. To be honest, yes, they probably will or they would question you as to why. My Aunt was nineteen or twenty when she married her husband who was I believe was in his middle or late forties. They are divorced now. Give yourself time. Don't rush into anything. And stand up for yourself.

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