
Would someone be able to work in the State Department or work in the embassy if they have a record?

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Backgrounds with felonys or misdemeanors. What are the chances that some one will be able to get into embassy work




  1. State Dept. - No felonys, misdemeanors okay depending on what they are.  Embassy - I'm not sure, look it up online.

  2. Not very good.  None at all with a felony.  It depends on what the misdemeanor was.

  3. If you have a felony, you are likely out. Sorry! Misdemeanors, on the other hand, usually depend on the nature of the crime compared to the nature of the job you are applying for. So if you committed a misdemeanor s*x crime, for example, you likely won't get an embassy job that involves kids or working in a woman's rights office. Or if you committed a misdemeanor theft or laundering crime, you won't be getting anything involving money. And if you are up against someone with a clean record, then you are probably out of luck.

  4. help me I'm trapped int

  5. Most State Department jobs, especially those abroad, require a security clearance at some level or another. After all, you are representing the US Government's interests and must be deemed trustworthy. You will probably not be able to get a security clearance if you have a record, although there are definitely exceptions (e.g., if you did something stupid like push a friend's car into a lake or steal a road sign before you were 18 and are now an adult). That includes felonies as well as misdemeanors, although felonies are obviously more difficult to overcome.

    The best thing to do is come clean during the clearance process. That proves that you are not trying to hide anything, and that you have learned from your mistakes.

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