
Would someone explain how they are offended by a woman being a vp pick?

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You have to be some anti-republican to spin it that way...I mean come on. Are black republicans(ha) saying that they are offended by obama?




  1. Personally I think it's great and anyone who is offended hopefully stays home on election day :)

  2. You are absolutely correct!  I knew when I heard who McCains  VP pick was, exactally  what the the Democrats reaction would be.

    I think this person (not---he/she/black/white)  is an excellent choice.  Palin went from attending her first PTA meeting to being the Governor of Alaska.  Obama, from the time he took his Senate seat to the time he started his presidential exploritory commettee, spent 143 days (Senate working days) as an active ? member of the Senate, voting only 50%.

    I would bet that Palin has not been an absentee governor.  From what I hear from friends in Alaska, they really like her and feel that she is a very capable person.      

  3. It's not being offended by a woman, it's being offended by THAT woman.

  4. the libs are offended that palin is too bad azz to beat them at their own game.  

  5. I am not offended. I am disappointed in McCains judgment for choosing someone with very little experience. This was just a poor strategy move on McCains part, choosing a female to try to win over female votes. He wont have mine. Sure Id love to see a female in office, but not at the risk of inexperience. I'll be voting for Obama who made a wise choice of choosing Biden who has the experience he lacks.  

  6. Ya i didn't get that either, i really hope someone can give you a valid answer.

    The only argument that is close to sane is that McCain picked a women thinking all women would then vote for him. But Palin (i don't know that much about her yet) seems like a true conservative. She called out Republicans and Democrats on corruption. She was even bribed by the Former Governor of Alaska with a powerful appointment. She was not silenced by the power, she resigned in a very public way in order to bring attention to the corruptions.

    She doesn't care about their party affiliation, if they are corrupt, she is going to go after them. Also she has more executive experience than any other candidate on either ticket, she has been there many years but Considering Obama only has a year or two in the Senate i don't think they can argue she is inexperienced.  

  7. I'm not offended because shes a women. I AM offended that McCain is using her to get elected. All he talked about is experience then he picks  women who's been Gov of a state with 600,000 people?

    Mayor of NYC has more experience

  8. I am not offended by a woman as a vp pick. I am offended by McCain thinking that any woman would and could replace Hillary R. Clinton for her supporters. Its demeaning to women and its also insulting to Senator Clinton. McCain is pandering to women and exploiting the very real frustration and anger that many women felt about HRC not winning the nomination. It is a total insult to think that women who supported Hillary will support another woman simply because she has the same body parts. No one that I can think of is offended by Sarah Paulin, its McCain who looks at women as idiots who will run to him because he chose a woman. So, to answer your question its not the fact that its a woman, its the motivation behind the decision.  By the way, while I considered McCain for a while I realized that the Democratic nominee while he may not have been  my first choice is much more in line with my views than McCain, I think in the end this will backfire.  

  9. Instead of looking at all the positives associated with Gov. Palin, their fear of her being VP gets the better of them.  Instead, they see it aimed at former Hillary voters when it is obvious her selection was aimed at conservative voters AND independent voters by picking someone with unquestioned conservative values and someone who is a Washington outsider.  And Obama couldn't have helped more with his desperation pick of Senator Biden putting to rest forever that Obama is the change candidate.  

  10. Their seriously worry and or jealous . I would expect this out of a man but the women are surprising me the most.

  11. I'm not offended because the candidate is a woman.  I'm offended at her personal political ideals.

    I'd be just as offended if she were a man, or a transsexual.

  12. She can't answer the phone 3am in the morning, because her baby kid is gonna wake up and cry!

  13. She doesn't offend me.  Obama offended me by passing over the people's choice, Hillary Clinton, for VP.  The media offends me by accusing McCain of picking Palin simply because she's a woman.  They don't know her well enough to make that assumption and how can they be so sure of McCain's motivation in picking this particular woman?  If he was really trying to replace HRC, he would not have chosen someone so conservative.  After the RNC, we'll know more, but for now, we should at least hear what McCain and Palin have to say.

  14. a woman of course not.

    that woman...yes,  but not so much offended as deeply disturbed by the prospect of someone being VP a heart beat away from presidency who is a religious extremist creationist who believes the world is 6000 years old and want that garbage taught along with science and allowing children to choose which they think is or their garbage.

  15. I'm not outraged by a female being in the #2 position of power. I'm outraged by an inexperienced person being in the #2 position of power, with a 72 year-old man in poor health in #1. McCain will not reach the Office of the President now. Except maybe to empty the trash cans.

  16. Palin is a "token candidate".  She is underqualified and sorely lacking in experience and McCain is ignorant enough to think women will vote for him and Palin because Palin is female.  He must be feeling desperate.  He really should have chosen Romney or Huckabee or a dynamic young Southerner, a man, if he wanted to challenge Obama.  Nonethless, surely, people will soon realize Obama is a fake and they can't vote for him either.

  17. They are offended that she doesnt want to kill babies with them.  

  18. dems are mad because they always get outsmarted at their own game.  the repubs have the last lady standing and it really ticks them off.

  19. It is the context in which the woman was picked. It looks like she was chosen almost solely to get the votes of women who were going to vote for hillary based on the fact that she is a woman. Many people find this insulting.  

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