
Would someone get a ticket for leaving the car running while grocery shopping?

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Would someone get a ticket for leaving the car running while grocery shopping?




  1. It depends on the state but where I live it is againsed the law.  Even if you lock the doors it's not allowed.

  2. Yes they can and it is a very stupid thing to do.

  3. Leaving a car idling in every state is illegal and yes you will get ticketed for this.

  4. You shouldn't leave the car unattended with the motor running -period.

    The shifter might fail and engage the drive train.

    You would be held responsible for all damages to property and injuries to any person hit by your car.

    It would also make it more tempting for some one looking for a car to steal.

    IN which case you could be held responsible for any damages the thief causes,not to mention that you could also possibly be charged as an accessory since you made it easy for a crime to be committed.

  5. I would think you would lose your car before you get a ticket. That is an open invitation for a car thief.


  6. Against the law in my state, summary offense.  In the above case I'd probably write a ticket, that is just begging someone to steal the vehicle and personally I don't want more paperwork because some idiot doesn't have the sense to turn off their vehicle, lock it, and take the keys with them.  

  7. I think you would get a ticket. If the car is empty and the motoring running it will attract attention.

    However, it is unlikely since the first car thief that sees it will be away with it. Your insurance company will not cover it if the keys are left in the ignition and the motor left running.

    Why would you leave the car running anyway?

    Turning a car on and off is hardly difficult and leaving it running means the keys are in the ignition and it isn't locked. It seems a huge risk for something that takes a few moments to do.

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