
Would someone kindly ask the 2 b******s who mugged me in paris thurs night if i can have my ID and wallet bk?

by  |  earlier

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im not american im english and was robbed by 2 nth africans....cheers fellas!




  1. Hah, I'll ask them for your ID and wallet back if you ask the Parisian "voleurs" for my favorite thong underwear back who stole them from a laundromat just as I came back and caught them going through my laundry. I tried to chase them and they left a trail of them on the street. And one guy even ran down the street with one on his head!

  2. Can you ask them for mine as well. I got my wallet pickpocketed at Chatelet.

  3. Sure, I'll ask them but i doubt if they will comply.

  4. I'm so sorry for you !

    watch it everywhere in Paris or big cities in the world !

    but too late for the advice :-(

  5. So we get to keep the money??

    Merci, Mon Rich American. :-P

  6. awww sorry that happened. Just learn to be more careful & dont carry too much cash at one time! hope ou get it back

  7. sure, what's their number??

  8. er, I know this is small comfort, but they might have thrown your stuff away and you could contact the police stations near by to see if anyone turned it in.

    I was pickpocketed (is that a verb?) once, and I got my important paperwork back and I found a pickpocketed wallet and contacted the person myself.

  9. Bad luck mate. Now someone else knows why this is a s*i*e place to live.

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